[Flávio Bittencourt]

A cidade dos contos de fadas

O carnaval de Cerknica, Eslovênia, tem importância mundial equivalente a, por exemplo, o Festival Folclórico de Parintins, Brasil.









28/02/2009 - (LÁ ESTÃO) (...) In seveda Butalci [TRECHO


28/02/2009 (LÁ ESTÃO) (...) E, é claro, Butalci (OS BUTALCI










("The Stupidians", segundo

o tradutor)



Fran Milčinski]


(Coluna "Recontando...")




"Skoči na slovensko verzijo teh strani.

"The Stupidians"

Sorry, the comic album "The Stupidians" is (for now) available only in Slovenian language (!!!). But if you are interested in the English version please leave me your E-mail. When I get (and of course IF I get) enough "pre-orders" I will try to publish the English version of the album and let you know where you can order it. Expected price is approx. 10-15$ (+ shipping) Of course leaving me your E-mail means no obligation from your part. This is purely for my information.

48 full-color pages,
hard-covers in color,
30,2 x 21,5 cm

Few sample pages from the comic:

This comic was made for “the PIL” a Slovene magazine for youngsters. The inspiration came from a collection of short stories “Butalci” (I can’t find a proper translation for this word. The best I can think of is “The Stupidians”), written by Fran Milcinski.

This is a story about a group of brave Stupidians who set off on a journey to find Holly Chicken. As the comics met a favorable reception among youngsters, I published it in the album in 1995 by the Emma publishing house. Best-Seller!"








Fran Milčinski (PSEUDÔNIMO: Fridolin Žolna,



Slika:Fran Milčinski.jpg







(Coluna "Recontando...")












(preocupado com algo?):




















Ficheiro:Slavoj Zizek in Liverpool cropped.jpg






"Lúcio é o nome geral dado aos peixes do género Esox, o único membro da família Esocidae. São nativos da América do Norte, Europa Ocidental, Sibéria e Eurásia.

Podem crescer até um máximo registado de 1.83 metros, e um peso máximo de 35 quilogramas, e podem viver até os 30 anos de idade. São alongados, em forma de torpedo, e predadores, tendo dentes afiados. A sua cor é tipicamente cinzento-esverdeado podendo apresentar pintas, sempre de padrão diferente de indivíduo para indivíduo. (...)"





"(...) Em 1979, [O TEÓRICO ESLOVENO] Slavoj Žižek começou a trabalhar no Instituto de Sociologia de Liubliana. Pouco depois, em 1980, começou a publicar livros que examinavam as teorias Hegelianas e Marxistas a partir do ponto de vista da teoria psicanalítica Lacaniana. Além disso, editou certo número de traduções de Louis Althusser, Jacques Lacan e Sigmund Freud para o Esloveno. Slavoj Žižek se candidatou a presidente da Eslovênia em 1990, mas perdeu.

Slavoj Žižek tornou-se largamente reconhecido como teórico contemporâneo a partir da publicação de O sublime objeto da ideologia, seu primeiro livro escrito em Inglês, em 1989. O trabalho de Slavoj Žižek não pode ser facilmente categorizado. Ele retorna ao sujeito cartesiano e à Ideologia Alemã, especialmente aos trabalhos de Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Immanuel Kant e Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling. Slavoj Žižek é ateu e suas teorias frequentemente vão contra as análises teóricas tradicionais. Ele costuma ser politicamente incorreto e já causou diversas polêmicas em vários círculos intelectuais. Slavoj Žižek ressalta com frequência que, para entender a política de hoje, nós precisamos de uma noção diferente de ideologia.

Os livros publicados de Slavoj Žižek incluem (nomes originais): Začeti od začetka, Ljubljana: Cankarjeva založba (2011), Hegel and the Infinite: Religion, Politics, and Dialectic (2011), Paul's New Moment: Continental Philosophy and the Future of Christian Theology (2010), The Idea of Communism (2010), Living in the End Times (2010), Philosophy in the Present Polity (with Alain Badiou, 2010), Badiou & Žižek: Hvalnica Ljubezni (Love and Terror) (2010), Društvo za teoretsko psihoanalizo (2010), Mythology, Madness and Laughter: Subjectivity in German Idealism (2009), First As Tragedy, Then As Farce (2009), In Search of Wagner (2009), Monstrosity of Christ: Paradox or Dialectic? (2009), Violence: Big Ideas/Small Books (2008), In Defense of Lost Causes (2008), En defensa de la intolerancia (2007), On Practice and Contradiction (2007), Terrorism and Communism (2007), Virtue and Terror (2007), How to Read Lacan (2006), The Parallax View (2006), Lacan: The Silent Partners (2006), Neighbors and Other Monsters (in The Neighbor: Three Inquiries in Political Theology) (2006), The Universal Exception (2006), Interrogating the Real (2005), Kako biti nihče (2005), Iraq: The Borrowed Kettle (2004), Paralaksa: za politični suspenz etičnega (2004), The Puppet and the Dwarf: The Perverse Core of Christianity (2003), Organs Without Bodies (2003), Kuga Fantazem (2003), Revolution at the Gates: Žižek on Lenin, the 1917 Writings (2002), Welcome to the Desert of the Real (2002), Repeating Lenin (2001), Opera's Second Death (2001), On Belief (2001), The Fright of Real Tears (2001), Did Somebody Say Totalitarianism? (2001), Strah pred pravimi solzami: Krzysztof Kieslowski in šiv (2001), Krhki absolut: Enajst tez o krščanstvu in marksizmu danes (2000), The Fragile Absolute: Or, Why is the Christian Legacy Worth Fighting For? (2000), The Art of the Ridiculous Sublime: On David Lynch's Lost Highway (2000), Contingency, Hegemony, Universality (2000), The Ticklish Subject (1999), Alain Badiou, Sveti Pavel: Utemeljitev Univerzalnosti (1998), The Plague of Fantasies (1997), The Abyss of Freedom (1997), Argument za strpnost (1997), The Indivisible Remainder: Essays on Schelling and Related Matters (1997), Slovenska smer (1996), The Metastases of Enjoyment (1994), Problemi: Eseji 4-5 (1994), Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Lacan... But Were Afraid to Ask Hitchcock (1993), Tarrying With the Negative (1993), Filozofija skoz psihoanalizo VII (1993), Enjoy Your Symptom! (1992), Looking Awry (1991), For They Know Not What They Do (1991), Hitchcock II. (1991), Beyond Discourse Analysis (a part in Ernesto Laclau's New Reflections on the Revolution of Our Time) (1990), Beseda, dejanje svoboda: Filozofija skoz psihoanalizo V (1990), The Sublime Object of Ideology (1989), Druga smrt Josipa Broza Tita (1989), Pogled s strani (1988), Jezik, ideologija, Slovenci (1987), Hegel in objekt (1985), Problemi teorije fetišizma: Filozofija skoz psihoanalizo II (1985), Filozofija skozi psihoanalizo (1984), Birokratija i uživanje (1984), Zgodovina in nezavedno (1982), Gospostvo, Vzgoja, Analiza: Zbornik tekstov Lacanove šole psihoanalize (editor, translator) (1982), Hegel in označevalec (1980), Znak, označitelj, pismo (1976) e Bolečina razlike (1972). (...)"







(nasc. em Liubliana [CAPITAL

DA ESLOVÊNIA] em 1949)


Mr. and Mrs. Slavoj Zizek












Mr. and Mrs. Slavoj Zizek







lúcio (peixe predador) gigante do Carnaval

dessa cidade; o monstro tem 3,5 metros de altura e

12 metros de comprimento:


















"Cerknica (em italiano: Circonio, em alemão: Zirknitz) é um município da Eslovênia. A sede do município fica na localidade de mesmo nome."






"A Eslovénia (português europeu) ou Eslovênia (português brasileiro) (em esloveno Slovenija) é um pequeno país do Leste Europeu, limitado a norte pela Áustria, a leste pela Hungria, a leste e a sul pela Croácia e a oeste pela Itália e pelo Mar Adriático.

O país está localizado no encontro de quatro grandes regiões europeias: a região dos Alpes, a dinárica, a panónica e a mediterrânica.

Ao longo da história da Eslovénia, o país fez parte do Império romano, do Império bizantino, da República de Veneza, do Ducado da Carantania (o actual norte esloveno), do Sacro império romano-germânico, da Monarquia de Habsburgo, do Império Austríaco (conhecido mais tarde como Áustria-Hungria), do Estado dos Eslovenos, Croatas e Sérvios, do Reino da Jugoslávia e da República Socialista Federativa da Jugoslávia de 1945 até finalmente conquistar sua independência em 1991.

A sua capital é Liubliana que também é a maior cidade do país. Actualmente, concentra quase um sexto da população da Eslovénia. Faz parte da União Europeia desde 2004, e é também o único ex-país comunista a fazer parte ao mesmo tempo da União Europeia, do Acordo de Schengen, da Zona Euro, da Organização para a Segurança e Cooperação na Europa, do Conselho da Europa e da OTAN. (...)" 






"(...) O Carso [em esloveno Kras, em croata Krš, REGIÃO DA ESLOVÊNIA - que pertencia à Iugoslávia - ONDE FICA CERKNICA]  possui um relevo rico de cavidades naturais, dada a extrema solubilidade das rochas calcárias, particularmente em ácido carbônico, presente na água da chuva. Todas essas grutas possibilitam a formação de diversas sociedades espeleológicas. A região é atravessada por uma grande rede de sendeiros e caminhos que permitem de forma especial o desenvolvimento do ecoturismo. (...)"






























                             OCASIÃO DE HOMENAGEM AO


                             POVO DA CIDADE DE CERKNICA, SITUADA NO CARSO

                             (PLANALTO CÁRSICO), ESLOVÊNIA, AO

                             POVO DA CIDADE DE LIUBLIANA - CAPITAL DA ESLOVÊNIA -,

                             NAS PESSOAS DO EMINENTE PENSADOR

                             PROF. DR. SLAVOJ ZIZEK, ex-candidato, infelizmente derrotado,

                             à presidência da República da Eslovênia, E DE SUA ESPOSA,


                             EM MEMÓRIA DO ESCRITOR FRAN MILCINSKI (1867 - 1932)              




7.2.2012 - O carnaval de Cerknica, Eslovênia, tem importância mundial equivalente a, por exemplo, o Festival Folclórico de Parintins, Amazonas, Brasil - Carnaval de Cerknica, a cidade dos contos de fadas.  F. A. L. Bittencourt ([email protected])



"Carnival in Cerknica

The child of modern times. It is not ethnological, but certainly it is traditional. Masks and seeds already in Cerknica rajajo of pamtiveka. Carnival spirit in the veins "Butalcev" he reflected for many years only in the carnival's funeral. Emotionally affected "relatives" did not stop nor the cold, without rain, and not war. Soon he was one day too little festivity ...

Carnival Committee, twenty years ago, decided that on Sunday, the holiday, all carnival thinkers draw a memorable Sunday afternoon. And they began to look for our beautiful little land and found that gives us a thousand and one undiscovered treasure. Again, they opened the Glory of the Duchy of Carniola Valvasors and the "mountain witch" brought to the streets Cerknica mother Ursula. The legend of the creation of Cerknica found Jezerka Aquarius, in the lake, the pike and big giant frog.

If you read Fran Butalci Mil%u010Dinski certainly agree that both "smart" people can not find anywhere else than in our small town. However, they have surged into Sunday's procession and brought with them enormous fattened anger and truly green dragon and two small shirt that Scribble painter finally saw how it looks and it drew in Butalski coat of arms. Even strong Martin Krpan not something that our keel would not come to see what's going on and the music of numerous bands with majorettes dance carnival dance. Coprnice, the devil and the dormouse and the guests are also invited a number of visiting groups to further enrich the serene scene. That's it. Carnival is not only in Cerknica masquerade, is a holiday and no visitors are not at least 100 times a year to remember wonderful moments you have experienced the Slivnica, in fairy tales. Do not believe me? Come and see with my own eyes sure to leave us not just for fun.

Invitation to the carnival in the abode

City of fairy Tales

If you go through the seven hills,
and three lakes with rainbows twelve
get straight into the city of fairy tales!
Among the masks cheerful and luxurious city in the middle of the fair
road crosses the magic ...
Each already sings, dances, as this paradise is no Skandal -
Butala comes to Carnival again!
Zabec has stretched his long legs,
already collects furry devil Dormouse cock!
The fishermen catch giant pike lake,
the hands, raubsic - as praumo, not on a loop!
Javorniki flew over to us, the last dragon
Butalci anger and fattened it keeps a real cop!
Jezersko clogged again will all poziralne holes
Valvasor and escorted the Emperor was given a facelift to its beautiful coat!
The Slivnica it all accompanied by a large pramati Ursula,
with witches and podmladkom cara sore that will not rain!
With all this laughter, dance, where everyone is happy
So just be missing - you!

(Royal Empire drum major Butalskega MR)

Starts BABE

Inaugurated in Cerknica Carnival


Come on Shrove Thursday, 16.2.2012 at 16.00 am,
the Cultural Centre in Cerknica and see ...

Days it was first planted, then what is grown and at the end of the zagalo. For us these days is a bit upside down. On Thursday thick sawn. Sawn Baba. Baba is a matter to it where breaking Butala, therefore saw. Sometimes, as is said, had plenty of time zagalo carnival. This fact was doing all year, but predpustu culminating Affairs, only the finisirali. The results were then verified need before the altar. We nurture the tradition. So when the woman dropped, pozagana, then gets up butalstvo. This is done in public, symbolic, so it leads us to enter. Private jaganje babe and Sawing is of course left to the individual style habits Butalci and does not fall within the public butalscine. Also.
On Thursday the whole of public life Pezo us what it says refer to our Zupan Zupan butalskemu kao. This week, the mildews namely, the rule change, life, running his way on. This has been the pamtiveka and will again this year. And because they already know everything, be subject only to entice. And this being done, if this does not help to you. Weight is an unspeakable power, and each arm, which contributes to the transfer, is welcome.

We insist and get up again and we begin by sawing carnival events BABE, surrender power, inflaming passions and sharing butalskega ignition and flame
the THICK THURSDAY, 16th February, at 16th URI
Cerknica in the center.



Butale Capital of Culture


Butalski parliament (Diet BUtalski)
Almost fun annual cultural event

Each country has its own leadership, parliament and police. Butalska is nothing different. On Carnival Friday our citizens already in love to listen to wise words nevoljenih elitist. Sometimes they sat in a restaurant and you Butalski Parliament rules, but who - because of the increasing interest of the people, moved to the sports hall and klepali and sown by BUtalski Diet (BUDEZ).
Times are changing. Policy and its Members, and telepaths posranci Are people begin to lose confidence. Butalski Mayor is therefore closed to the public meetings and on all important things to discuss are so firmly closed doors. A public and media pressure is now being so strong that they no longer remain hidden long.
Our first and only television Butalska carnival has also decided to give you over 13 channels on the TV program COHOVO on Carnival Friday, 17 FEBRUARY 2012 at 18 pm at the Cultural Centre Cerknica Live plays address Butalskega Mayor of the largest shifted Butalskem our National Day.
In Butalniku you'll hear all the latest news from the immediate and wider region, have fun at stories from our countryman Fran Butalcev Milcinski and tremble who will be the winner of our new reality show Pig brader. Of course not going to work without Parodijalnega Economic Programme (EPP-ROM) and performs Stefancic Mathias, who will present his sou Stendap Butala. And we sang and danced well. All in all waiting for you at least an hour and a half long almost fun event for which you do in these difficult times, surprisingly will not be charged an entrance fee! Unbelievable!
It is fitting, therefore, to answer it and to convince yourself that we Butalci in a flood of TV channels and programs by far the best program! And like a true Butalski Mayor: "He who laughs a bad joke is capable of other crimes!"
Carnival and lived Rakek Library!


GREAT KIDS Masquerade


The biggest and best children's masquerade
with entertainers and musical guests

Saturday, 18 Second 2012 from 15 to 18 hours
in the sports hall Cerknica

Each year during carnival Cerknica change in location of fairy tales. For our and your children will be prepared children COPRARIJE masquerade, where we spent some pleasant hours in a magical wonderland.
There is no greater joy for him butalske parents, as when our deco in his own image and to eliminate the shape of one's youthful folly, to our children's masquerade. Actually, this is also raising the temperature to be alone in the evening take off the masks that we wear all year, and relaxed as deca, let Carnival antics. Children are the wealth, and thus must be handled carefully! We know times are tough, this old tiscijo, devetletletka Tara and what a man of life ... Let us, the biggest holiday! And why not spend some pleasant hours in a magical wonderland our carnival Saturday along with your and our indians, young witches, knights, clowns ...

Rajala on Saturday, 18 February 2012, from 15 to 18 hours in the sports hall Cerknica. Missing will not even Butalci, witches, padlocks and dormouse ...
Admission will be 3 EUR. When purchasing tickets or donating donut juice. Children up to 1 meter height have free admission.


BAL witches in Butale

Traditional Carnival through the streets of Cerknica


The Council, as indicators of the clock, constantly spinning and not stop. Seasons change, but something remains the same. Butalci on Shrove Thursday Cerknica take power and change in Butala. So begins the story of Glory Butalske country. While the world are falling borders, governments and banks prizigamo we proudly celebrate carnival fire, and his country.
Polymath Janez Vajkard Valvasor with his Glory of the Duchy of Carniola carried the voice of the beauty of our country in the whole world and left us a wealth of material from which we draw pustarji today. Thus on Carnival Sunday from his stories and pictures come to life on the streets of Cerknica devil that drives dormouse trap Jezersko Water Man and the whole family Slivni%u0161ko coprnic, major figures from the youngest to the oldest Lisa all pramatere Ursula. Says Martin Krpan Notranjska guests invited to the Emperor and his suite. The green part you can admire the great Frank Brontoskoka, frogs and frog army couples. Butala over the summer also a real dragon, which is already so domesticated that they fear only the bats and praljudje. The Valley will be released Hribci, taken together, will retreat of visiting groups danced to the sounds of numerous wind bands, which will give the rhythm of our procession. Butalske country's glory will naturally extend the Butalski Mayor with his wife, in addition it also brought with him the whole Butalsko people. Again, allocate large dam and will be happy to show you. For the safety of the care Butalski cops, firefighters Butalski will make sure that what does not ignite. However, they have also Butalci their lords, which she said Mr. Jara. You will be welcomed cestar, teacher, postman, doctor, hairdresser, a judge, priest, and even baletka butcher. In the city of fairy tales, of course, you will find a lot of masks, and I larf, but what remains to be secret. The best thing that you come see for yourself what we zacoprali again. Missing will not even mandatory Entertainment carnival and singing, dancing and fun at the many stalls with food and drink.

For the carnival is in Cerknica always cheerful and thick, so you are advised to be on Sunday nasemite early and is already at 11 Running time Butalskega participate in carnival masks Mon route. Well, you premigali and fun, and become a winner, because running is not competitive nature and is not a prisoner of time.
So, on Carnival Sunday, 19 February 2012 exactly 12:32 on the streets around Cerknica go out major traditional Carnival Glory entitled Butalske country!
We'll be there, what about you?


Burial dull

Funeral for Lent


Wednesday, 22 Second 2012 promptly at 16:00
Before the new vezico in Zajfn'ci

The fire, which was on Thursday brought in Slivnica coprnice, Ash Wednesday, we will bridge the Cerknica public ashing dull.
The Authority will be in our hands, Zupan Butalskega again fell into the hands Cerknica. Butala board for one year will be put away in the basement. Cheese Butalsko people coprnice, frogs, dormice and Mourning monks will be inconsolable. Pramati Ursula will hardly pose tears. Hlipajoco plethora of sound broke the silence.
The mourning procession will be the 16th Houses hours ago walked grief at the center of carnival antics. Deceased to the funeral lay, Pall is thawed. As long as they could.
The oldest carnival events from which he later developed the carnival as we know it today announces the end of our norenja poignant. We have opened the bathing season and pustkove pepelne remains escorted to our tears. In Cerkniscico and forth to the lake and the Black Sea.
Carnival is dead, lived carnival!
Rakek Kurrrrrennnntaaaa and Library!


Polh with the devil


Great interviewer Valvasor Slovenian life, is, as I like to boast, first wrote in detail of this small creature on the Inner and what they do with them. Polhanje is now so popular that it would not lose the words, DORMOUSE is somehow Slovenian folk cover.
The dormouse is also linked to tradition, namely that it is the devil himself Paso drivers. Carnival is upon us such a great heartburn, the devil each year brings a group of dormice that people look forward to an early stage.


Giant pike


Cerknica pike are something special. They are extremely large, rapidly growing and reluctant prijemljejo. And many of them. How did our ancestors naked, unashamedly chased across the lake at usihanju, you certainly have read in Valvasor Glory of the Duchy of Carniola. Today was slightly different. Today usihajo slowly pike. Such as that in the lake is certainly not more, less, it is also like her. Therefore, there is so much more other fish vermin. Pike, which can live to see our carnival is really proud Cerknica.
Monster is 3.5 meters high and 12 meters long - says no fishing!




Marjan Mancek, illustrator and writer of comic books for young people (namely, our mountains sheet with a touch of Yellow-bellied), among others, created the characters and Dajnomirja Milibozo, but later they were joined by the Milimir and some animals, and the resulting Sat Hribci. Family that lives in nature and with nature. They place themselves prasmesne things that may be of interest today. Every year, from our mountains descend into the valley greet visitors to the carnival.


Dragon and Butale

adapted from Butalci Fran Milcinski


Butala grew to a complete lack of class is nothing more than the coat of arms. Modrovali are and mozevali and finally the fourth night in the fourth inn guessed that it must be a splendid coat of arms as prestigious Butala. Therefore, the emblem of the finest in butalski animals as ever on the watch unto it: this is the dragon.
And they said: "The dragon is the most elegant animal in the eye and say, it is distinguished because it is incredibly dangerous and, in horror and fear of the enemy."
They had to scribble Butala painter and was a painter of houses and chapels, and fences and even craftsmen and for all. Adopted by the contract and promised, and indeed has been photographed and immensely pleased with their work. Were satisfied with the coat of arms butalski men. Stared They nodded and boasted how overwhelming is similar, and they have not seen a dragon, which would be similar to the case. Until they start Tepanjcani voice: "Ho ho, Butalci a crest, a bull in a coat, stupid bull!" But they devoured Butalci Tues tepanjsko insult and found that the dragon on their coat of arms is really very similar to the bull. Scribble painter was greatly shocked and swore: "Who is the one who dares to claim, as well as evidence that the dragon painted coat of arms is not fair and accurate! Place a dragon living object, but it will be seen whether similar or not. "
And then, you know, he had to catch a cop butalski dragon. And so on.


Witch grandmather Ursula


On Slivnici the hole, working storm. On top of having coprnice, skillfully and grdobe their dances and meetings. They see it as a tiny flying Lucca. Even the landscape around here with coprnicami well stocked. Therefore, the burning road quite a lot and sezgo so that sometimes comes here in Grmada coprnic more than they in all the land of pamtiveka saddle on a stack and it upepeljenih. Because this is also carefully concealed. These pests and only completely failed to quash under an enormous pile of ashes remained almost certain spark that ignited may well be this or that stack.
Thus, in his Glory of the Duchy of Carniola writes polymath Janez Vajkart Valvasor. Now a few hundred years later, his words can be confirmed, since our carnival impossible without compromise with coprnicami as having a tiny storm zakuhajo negligence on the day of the procession, and believe me after this is all upside down.

In order to uphold this curse, we are taking the preparations for the carnival is always careful to go straight to the first invitation Slivnica, straight into the hands of Mother Ursula. That's all we can do to protect themselves storms, which are constantly in a large pot cook the Slivnica, the magic eye bubnim Assembly.


Carnival in Cerknica

Do you have like this carnival?"









VERBETE 'Fran Milcinski ',

WIKIPÉDIA (em esloveno):


"Fran Milčinski

Fran Milčinski

Fran Milčinski (psevdonim: Fridolin Žolna), slovenski pravnik, pripovednik in dramatik, * 3. december 1867, Lož na Notranjskem, † 24. oktober, 1932, Ljubljana.



Fran Milčinski se je rodil leta 1867 v Ložu na Notranjskem. Pri štirih letih se je z družino preselil v Ljubljano, kjer je obiskoval osnovno šolo in gimnazijo. Po gimnaziji se je leta 1885 vpisal na dunajsko pravno fakulteto. Leta 1890 je postal sodnik. Služboval je v Ljubljani in nadomeščal sodnika v Škofji Loki, Radovljici, Litiji in na Brdu. Leta 1895 je bil za dve leti premeščen v Idrijo, nato pa se je vrnil v Ljubljano. Leta 1900 je postal upravitelj Deželnega gledališča v Ljubljani, leta 1902 pa mladinski sodnik in socialni delavec na področju mladinskega prestopništva. Leta 1910 se je poročil z Marijo Krejči. Rodili so se mu štirje otroci: Breda Milčinski Slodnjak, Janez Milčinski (1913 - 1993), Frane Milčinski - Ježek (1914 - 1988) in Lev Milčinski (1916 - 2001). Leta 1918 je postal svetnik Višjega deželnega sodišča v Ljubljani. Dve leti kasneje pa je bil imenovan za svetnika na Stol sedmorice v Zagrebu. Po upokojitvi, leta 1925, se je ukvarjal z odvetništvom. Na ljubljanskem radiu se je leta 1928 pojavljal kot pripovedovalec v etru. Umrl je leta 1932 v Ljubljani.


Milčinski je bil humorist, satirik, mladinski pisatelj in dramatik. Pisati je začel kot študent. Objavljal je v Rogaču, ki je izhajal v Ljubljani, Slovenskem narodu in Slovencu. 14. decembra 1900 je v Slovenskem narodu objavil podlistek Zoper samobeležnik. Istega leta je začel pisati tudi prve humoristične črtice, ki jih je objavil v zbirkah Igračke (1909) in Muhoborci (1912). V njih je smešil slovensko malomeščanstvo in malomeščansko okolje, posmehoval se je uradništvu, političnim in kulturnim razmeram v katerih je sam rasel. Leta 1917 sta izšli knjigi Tolovaj Mataj in Ptički brez gnezda, kjer opisuje napake družinske vzgoje in opozarja na zanemarjanje otrok. V vzgojni povesti Gospodična Mici (1930) se je lotil podobne socialne problematike. Med vojnama je humoristično-satirične pripovedi objavljal pod psevdonimom Fridolin Žolna. V satiričnih črticah je opisoval aktualno dogajanje. Njegova najbolj znana zbirka humoresk je o Butalcih (1949); zgodbe pa so izhajale posthumno: v mesečniku Žika, v mladinskem listu Naš rod in v knjigi pravljic Tolovaj Mataj. Več njegovih del je izhajalo posthumno (Zgodbe skavta Petra, Humoreske in Groteske).

Napisal je tudi veliko umetnih pravljic v katerih se je lotil prastarega pravljičnega motiva slovenske ljudske pesmi (Pravljice (1911), Tolovaj Mataj in druge slovenske pravljice (1917) ). Poleg tega je pisal dramska besedila (Brat sokol, Cigani, Kjer ljubezen, tam Bog, Krapn mljaši). Igri Volkašin (1913) in Mogočni prstan (1923) sta bili namenjeni mladini.

V Življenjepisu mojega peresa je Milčinski zapisal, da je navdih za pisanje dobil ob branju del svojih najljubših pisateljev (Dostojevski, Dickens, Twain). Čeprav se je Milčinski rodil v času naturalizma in realizma, je ustvarjal tudi v času moderne, vendar pa ga ne moremo šteti med izrazite predstavnike ne ene ne druge literarne smeri. Najbolj mu ustreza žanrska oznaka humoristični pisatelj.

Humoristična proza

Fran Milčinski


Dramska besedila



  • Kos, Janko (1980): »Pregled slovenskega slovstva«. Državna založba Slovenije, Ljubljana. (COBISS)
  • Kos, Janko (1992): »Pregled slovenskega slovstva«. Državna založba Slovenije, Ljubljana. (COBISS)
  • Vide Ogrin, Petra (2009): »Slovenski biografski leksikon«, Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, Ljubljana. (COBISS)

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