[Flávio Bittencourt]

The legacy of Reynaldo Jardim shall never be forgotten

Elzira Silva traduziu a crônica de saudade de Camila Piacesi para o idioma de James Joyce.



























CAMÕES (Lisboa (?), 1524 ou 1525 - Lisboa, 1580), poeta português




And also all the glorious memories    

Of all those Kings who sent forth consecrating  

The Empire, Faith, through vicious lands and seas  

Of Asia, Africa went devastating,  

And those who, with their valiant words, appease,   

Are from the law of Death men liberating:  

By singing I'll spread forth to every part,   

If I am aided by my wits and art.

(LUÍS VAZ DE CAMÕES, estrofe do poema épico

Os Lusíadas;

tradução: Frederick G. Williams)




"E também as memórias gloriosas

Daqueles Reis que foram dilatando

A Fé, o Império e as terras viciosas (...)"

CAMÕES (o grifo não está em OS LUSÍADAS)




"E também as memórias gloriosas

Daqueles Reys que foram dilatando

A Fé, o Império e as terras viciosas (...)"

(CAMÕES, com pequena alteração na grafia

da segunda palavra do segundo verso

acima copiado, efetuada por

COLUNA "Recontando estórias do domínio público")













REYNALDO JARDIM, O poeta do Sol, Youtube:












1º CADERNO (3.2.2011)

"Familiares homenageam jornalista Reynaldo Jardim durante velório em Brasília

Da Redação

O jornalista e escritor Reynaldo Jardim faleceu aos 84 anos de idade na madrugada de terça-feira (1/2), em Brasília, após os rompimento de um aneurisma. Seu corpo foi velado no Teatro Nacional de Brasília, onde familiares o homenagearam com cantos de samba. “Foi um pedido dele antes de morrer: 'Não quero choro, só samba'”, disse a viúva Elaina Daher, companheira do falecido jornalista por 24 anos.

Parte da longa trajetória de Jardim no jornalismo foi construída em extintos veículos de imprensa, como as revistas O Cruzeiro, Manchete e Jornal do Brasil, onde criou os cadernos “B” e “Domingo”. Logo após a sua saída do JB, em virtude da repressão militar, Jardim foi convidado a trabalhar na antiga revista Senhor e posteriormente como diretor de telejornalismo da Rede Globo.

Quando dedicou-se a vida de poeta, o paulista Reynaldo Jardim escreveu obras como Paixão segundo Barrabas, Maria Bethânia Guerreira Guerrilha, Joana em flor, Viva o Dia, Cantares Prazeres e Lagartixa escorregante na parede de domingo.

Invenção no cinema
No ano de 1967, período pré AI-5, nasceu o jornal Sol, fundado no Rio de Janeiro pelo próprio Reynaldo Jardim. O documentário, dirigido por Tetê Moraes e Martha Alencar, leva o nome da própria publicação: O Sol – Caminhando contra o vento, exibindo depoimentos de Gilberto Gil, Caetano Veloso, Chico Buarque, Arnaldo Jabor e de todos que fizeram parte da curta história do jornal Sol".




jornalista Reynaldo Jardim


"03/02/2011 16h41

Relembre as páginas do 'JB' criadas por Reynaldo Jardim:






Foto: Ferreira

(21.9.2008) Ontem à tarde (20.9.2008), o poeta, artista gráfico, jornalista, etc..., Reynaldo Jardim passou aqui pelo estúdio para gravar alguns poemas.
Em sua permanência, no início dos anos 80, em nossa cidade, Reynaldo foi o incentivador dos jovens artistas (entre os quais, humildemente me incluo) que buscavam a modernidade dentro do cenário "sessentista" da época, fomentando movimentos poéticos como a Anarte, que gerou uma série de filhos desnaturados, inclusive nós aqui da Chefatura.

Sobre esses tempos, dêem uma olhadinha aqui:
























 Reynaldo Jardim, Lucília Guimarães, Rosana Albuquerque e Luiz Ferreira.




Lula Marques/Folhapress

Poeta e jornalista Reynaldo Jardim





                          Sem palavras para agradecer a grandeza da atenção da Profª Elzira Silva,

                          excelente tradutora, professora de inglês de reconhecida competência,

                          vizinha, amiga de verdade



11.2.2011 - A Profª Elzira Silva - estimada vizinha, amiga - não pode comparecer, em razão de obrigações profissionais inadiáveis, ao sepultamento de Reynaldo Jardim - Eis que ela ontem traduziu, com o máximo respeito e profissionalismo, o texto de C. Piacesi cuja versão em inglês ora é apresentada aos leitores. (Anteontem ela - a Profª Elzira - havia recebido o texto original em português, depois tendo lembrado que conseguiu adiar afazeres não menos urgentes, mercê da importância que atribuiu ao trabalho que lhe foi solicitado, para proceder a primorosa tradução que hoje nos chegou, sem atraso, via e-mail.)  F. A. L. Bittencourt ([email protected])





 Thank you, Rey

                                                                         Camila Piacesi
          I will not be able to, as I would like to try to do, to ask for an interview with the great writer and poet Reynaldo Jardim, 84. He died last Monday evening from complications caused by an aneurysm in the abdominal aorta. He had been admitted to the Heart Hospital of Brasília. 

          Born in Sao Paulo on December 13, 1926, he came to Brasilia in 1983, where he got married and had three sons, Rafael, Gabriel and Micael. 
          At the beginning of his career, he was the editor of "O Cruzeiro" and "Manchete" magazines , besides having worked at several radio stations. After resigning from "Jornal do Brasil" in 1964, he held positions as Director for “Senhor” magazine and Telejournalism Director at Globo Newstelevision. 

          Rey, a nationwide protagonist of the newspapers graphical reform, created a simpler style, and with more divided publishings, brought a greater convenience to the reader. 

          I could not miss the funeral held in Brasilia yesterday, February 2, 2011, of one of the greatest Brazilian writers and journalists. Though I am only 21, I was able to recognize the great professionals who were there by my side and I was proud to be there, paying my last respects to the great poet. 

          I saw wreaths of red, white, and yellow roses, with sayings expressing old friendships. A song was sung in his honor by his friend, who later embraced the wife of the “Sangradas Escrituras” ’ author. Friends spoke, also one of his sons, and Elaina Daher, his companion for more than two decades. A lady, showing feelings of a profound friendship with Reynaldo, read a Bible verse.
          When Elaina and Reynaldo first met, she was 22, and was studying Journalism. She interviewed Ray and married him. Elaina's speech at her husband burial was of missing him but not of sadness. After all, as he used to say, "When I die I want no tears, just samba!”. 
          Among several people who were there at that moment, I could recognize journalist Jairo Viana, a respected former columnist for the “Jornal de Brasilia”. The veteran political activist and researcher into the history of Brasilia and of Brazil, Jarbas Marques, who had been arrested and brutally tortured during the military regime, delivered a friendly speech that touched me deeply.
          When his son spoke, I was a little further away taking a group picture of friends, relatives and admirers of Reynaldo who were present, but the day after, just now, I am reading the letter Michael wrote to his father after his death. Some of these photos illustrate this chronicle. 
          We went to the cemetery “Campo da Esperança” by taxi. Adrino Aragão [*], a writer from the Amazon State [Brazil], who has lived for many years in Brasilia, Flávio Bittencourt, an Iphan employee and contributor to the “Portal Entretextos” magazine (who invited me to photograph the farewell) and I. As my camera had been borrowed by a friend with whom I could not get in touch by mobile, I got another camera from a relative, yet not being able to attend my colleague's body funeral, while it was still being vested in the National Theatre. Besides taking some photos, I decided to write these lines in the form of a chronical, because it is difficult to write a feeling-free text when the focused personality is Reynaldo Jardim.
          Reynaldo Jardim, your achievements are such that if they were to be described, they would not fit in here.
          The literary world, media and poetry, has been completely changed and reformed by the contribution of Rey. I was emotional at his burial, but even so, I could take some pictures. 
I must confess that, upon arriving at “Campo da Esperança”, I was a little nervous because I had the journalistic mission to accomplish, but when I remembered who Reynaldo Jardim was, I could realize the task, and I believe I did it right, if benevolence is found by the beholder.
          If I asked Reynaldo for an interview, I believe he would not refuse to talk to me. After all, the newspaper he founded, "O Sol", which should have been a journal-school - but not a college journal-school-lab, for it was invented to be sold at the newsstands, as any common print media vehicle -, was not allowed at that time of no democracy in Brazil, the post – 64.  It would be a critical and creative experience for students of Journalism, Literature, Arts, Theater, Cinema, Radio & Television, Advertising and Publishing. For students and readers! As Reynaldo Jardim had stated: "Today there is a point of exclamation missing in the Brazilian journalism", there goes one, as a gesture of warmth towards the departed colleague. 
          The legacy of Reynaldo Jardim shall never be forgotten. Thanks, Rey.

[*] - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrino_Arag%C3%A3o.




Elzira Silva
English Teacher & Translator
Tel.:  061 8197 3968  -
E-mail: [email protected]














