[Flávio Bittencourt]

Banquete de carne fresca de mamute

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Mamute pequenino,



A História do Mamute,


e muito bem engendrada - DE









"A História do Mamute

Hermes e Renato

O mamute pequenino queria voar
Tentava e tentava e não podia voar,
Uma pombinha, sua amiga, tentou ajudar
E do quinto andar fez ele pular.
O que aconteceu?
Merda, o mamute virou merda
Merda, o mamute virou merda

O mamute pequenino queria fumar
Tentava e tentava e não podia fumar,
O cachorro, seu amigo, tentou ajudar
E 500 cigarrinhos fez ele fumar.
O que aconteceu?
Câncer, o mamute teve câncer
Cancêr, o mamute teve câncer

O mamute pequenino queria beber
Tentava e tentava e não podia beber,
O urso, seu amigo, tentou resolver
E 6 litros de wisk fez ele beber.
O que aconteceu?
Cirrose, o mamute deu cirrose
Cirrose, o mamute deu cirrose

O mamute pequenino queria transar
Tentava e tentava e não podia transar,
O jegue, seu amigo, tentou ajudar
Com 100 prostitutas fez ele transar.
(ooh) o que aconteceu?
Aids, o mamute pegou aids
Aids, o mamute pegou aids

O mamute pequenino queria se drogar
Tentava e tentava e não podia se drogar,
O gato, seu amigo, tentou ajudar
E 50 carreirinhas fez ele cheirar.
O que aconteceu?
Overdose, o mamute com overdose
Overdose, o mamute com overdose

E agora o que aconteceu?

Morreu, o mamute morreu.
Morreu, o mamute se (f.)
Morreu, o mamute morreu.
Morreu, o mamute se (f.)..."







"Menino faz mortal na cabeça de elefante

Publicado em 17/08/2011, às 15:14

Não é novidade encontrar grupos de meninos brincando de fazer cambalhotas nas praias, mas, no Nepal, parece que a história é diferente. Um garoto foi flagrado no rio Rapati em Chitwan, a cerca de 200 km de Katmandu, usando um elefante como trampolim para saltar no rio. Ele pulava na cabeça do elefante e dava um mortal no ar.
























Postado por Jessica Souza"








(COLUNA "Recontando estórias do domínio público")






















(parágrafo do artigo logo em

seguida transcrito, na íntegra):

"(...) Os animais [OS MAMUTES], que naquela época pastavam nas planícies verdejantes do Alasca, do Norte do Canadá e da Sibéria, olham espantados para a noite que chega de repente. E pouco depois são atingidos pelos ventos supergelados provocados pelas poeiras vulcânicas que caem do céu. Os animais sentem o ar frio queimar seus olhos e pulmões, e em segundos estão mortos enrijecidos nas posições em que estavam. Horas depois o vento diminui, mas durante semanas cai do céu poeira e neve que, lentamente, recobre os corpos congelados dos animais que, como estátuas geladas, acabam sendo totalmente cobertas. (...)"







"O Enigma dos Mamutes da Sibéria



Por Roberto Pereira*

Os mamutes congelados da Sibéria é um dos mistérios que continuam desafiando a ciência moderna que, baseada em meras teorias faz algumas especulações razoáveis e admite que solução desse enigma pode contribuir para desvender diversos outros fatos inexplicáveis e ainda mais nebuloso da história do planeta terra.

Em 1900, nas margens do rio Beresovska, na Sibéria Setentrional, se encontrou o primeiro exemplar conservado de mamute em meio à lama congelada. O fato em si não era inteiramente novo, já que antes tinham sido encontrados restos congelados de outros animais antigos. Mas nunca um exemplar tão grande, e em tão bom estado de conservação. Além disso, aquele mamute morrera de pé e tinha ainda restos de capim entre os dentes! Se morrera comendo, como ficara de pé? E por que não cuspira o alimento nos extertores de sua agonia?

Naquela época a ciência já sabia que os mamutes tinham desaparecido da face da Terra há, pelo menos, 10 mil anos e, logo, diversas expediçòes acorreram ao local para examinar o estranho achado. Descobriram que, apesar da idade, a carne do mamute estava ainda tào bem conservada que cães e lobos disputavam seus pedaços.

A primeira explicação apresentada pelos cientistas foi de que o animal afundara no gelo, morrendo assim quase instantaneamente. Mas não havia nem jamais houvera geleiras naquela região da Sibéria: apenas neve durante o inverno. Neve que se derrete na estação quente. A outra teoria afirmando “que o animal morrera afogado” também não foi aceita. Se tivesse se afogado, ele, certamente, cuspiria os ramos encontrados na sua boca e nunca teria ficado de pé.

Finalmente, outros cientistas levantaram a teoria de que aquele mamute ficara preso no barro pegajoso e afundara lentamente de pé, até ser coberto pela neve e pela lama gelada. Mas um exame mais detalhado do solo provou que naquela região jamais houvera camadas de lama elástica, capazes de prender, até a morte, um gigantesco mamute de quase dez toneladas.

Havia ainda outro problema: o alimento encontrado na boca do animal incluía delicados carriços, capim e ranúculos, que só vicejam, hoje em dia, muito mais ao sul. Tudo aquilo junto formava um respeitável quebra-cabeça cientifico, para o qual durante muitos anos, dezenas de sábios não conseguiram nenhuma explicação satisfatória. Afinal, seria ilógico admitir que o pesado animal interrompera sua refeição e correra depois centenas de quilômetros para o Norte, com o capim na boca, para morrer de repente, de pé.

A Ciencia Oficial se apóia em fatos provados, mas quando eles não existem, ela costuma montar teorias completas sobre frágeis indicios indiretos, e sobre a lógica também. Seria mais lógico admitir, por exemplo, que aquele tipo de capim crescera outrora naquela mesma região, e que o mamute morrera e fora congelado de repente – quase que instantaneamente -, enquanto pastava.

Os anos foram passando e outros animais congelados foram sendo encontrados na Sibéria, com sinais claros de morte instantânea e sem sinais visíveis de violência. Todos eles haviam sido congelados. O problema era saber como.

Em qualquer processo de congelamento de carne é necessário que a queda de temperatura seja acentuada e muito rápida, caso contrário se formam grandes cristais de água nas células – o que provocaria desidratação que estragaria a carne em pouco tempo. Para se congelar uma galinha ou um peru, por exemplo, a -40 ºC,  são necessários 20 minutos; e pelo menos meia hora para se congelar meio boi.  Um animal do porte  de um mamute, quase duas vezes o tamanho de um elefante atual, teria que ser congelado a -100 ºC , em poucos minutos, para que sua carne ainda pudesse ser comida pelos cães, 10 mil anos depois.

Só havia um problema: O exame do exemplar congelado do rio Beresovka mostrou que o animal comera pequenos ramos de floridos, pouco antes de morrer. Grande quantidade de vegetal foi encontrada intacto, ainda não digerida, em seu estômago. E sabe-se que tais plantas não crescem onde a temperatura é inferior a -5 º Celsius. A unica explicação satisfatória seria a morte instantânea dos animais, devido a um subito abaixamento da temperatura da Sibéria. E tanto o exame da carne do mamute como a analise dos vegetais que comera provou, sem sombra de duvidas, que tal catastrofe ocorrera há 10.000 anos.

Nos ultimos trinta anos, numerosos cientístas russos viajaram até a região do rio Beresovska, em busca de novos indicios. E hoje se aceita, como a mais provável, a tese levantada por Imanuel Velikovski de que somente uma súbita mudança na inclinação do eixo de rotação da Terra poderia causar fenomenos meteorológicos capazes de explicar a repentina morte dos mamutes siberianos.

Segundo alguns astronomos, baseado em simulações em computador, somente a força eletromagnético de algum astro errante, um grande planeta ou uma pequena estrela passando suficientemente próximo da Terra poderia mudar o eixo de rotação terrestre.

Isso certamente, provocaria marés no magma interno da Terra, abalando a fina crostra sólida do nosso mundo – de 30 a 90 km de espessura. Os vulcões, situados quase todos na zona equatorial, entraram em erupção, arremessando lava, pedras e, principalmente grandes quantidades de poeira superaquecida, se elevaria até a estratofera. Depois, seguindo o movimento normal dos ventos, essa poeira dirigia-se, espiralando rumo aos polos. O frio das grandes altitudes as congelaria e, quando ela atingisse a Sibéria, mergulhando rumo ao solo, poderia perfeitamente estar a – 100º Celsius.

O quadro fica, então mais fácil de imaginar. Chegando às regiões setentrionais do planeta a poeira subitamente escurece o sol. Os animais, que naquela época pastavam nas planíces verdejantes do Alasca, do Norte do Canadá e da Sibéria, olham espantados para a noite que chega de repente. E pouco depois são atingidos pelos ventos supergelados provocados pelas poeiras vulcânicas que caem do céu. Os animais sentem o ar frio queimar seus olhos e pulmões, e em segundos estão mortos enrijecidos nas posições em que estavam. Horas depois o vento diminui, mas durante semanas cai do céu poeira e neve que, lentamente, recobre os corpos congelados dos animais que, como estátuas geladas, acabam sendo totalmente cobertas.

A mudança do eixo da Terra alteraria também o clima da Sibéria – e isso ajudaria a conservar, praticamente intactos, os animais durante os milênios seguintes. Velikovski aponta outros indícios dessa mesma catastrofe como a subita mudança no clima do Alasca, o secamento do grande lago que existe onde hoje é o deserto do Saara e a abertura do estreito de Gilbratar, que provocou o alagamento da região mediterrânea pelas águas do Atlântico.

Tudo isso, acreditam muitos cientistas, ocorreu mais ou menos há 10.000 anos. Velikovski acredita que todos esses fatos se explicam pelo mesmo fenômeno cataclísmico. Esses são os fatos. Essas são as hipóteses. No entanto, mesmo com os recursos da ciencia moderna, não existem ainda meios para unir todos esses indicios numa única teoria à prova de qualquer duvida. Mas alguns cientistas acreditam que estão na pista certa. E outros ainda mais ousados, chegam a levantar a hipótese de que se algum dia existiu o continente da Atlântida, ele teria afundado naquela mesma época e pela mesma razão. Assim, enquanto na Sibéria morriam os derradeiros gigantes da pré-história terrestre, o Atlântico afundava o continente onde, segundo Homero, existiu a mais brilhante das antigas civilizações da Terra.


* Roberto Pereira, escritor e pesquisador independente português.



1. Matéria publicada originalmente em português no Blog de RS Maike



1. Velikovski, Manuel - Mundos em Colisào,  - Edições Melhoramentos

2. Pereira, Roberto e Lisboa, Carlos Luiz - Grandes Enigmas da Humanidade - Editora Vozes de Petropolis

3. Heuvelmann, Bernard - Sur la piste des Betes Ignorées – Edição de librarie Plon, Paris"







22.8.2011 - É DE ESTARRECER - A "recontação" dessa estória do domínio público exige ATENÇÃO PUPILAR - como diria Nelson Rodrigues -, uma vez que... só mesmo lendo para talvez crer.  F. A. L. Bittencourt ([email protected])





"Gardner on the Mammoth

An excerpt from A Journey to the Earth’s Interior

This is not the longest chapter in this book, but to anyone who wishes to prove our theory " in a hurry " it may be commended, for it brings proof to bear so startling, so incontrovertible, that we wonder how these observations could have been made by the regular scientists and their significance been over-looked. But then the regular scientists had a theory of the earth's composition in their minds before they made these observations. And the theory being there first would not budge to make room for the truth.


These observations concern the presence in the polar regions of the mammoth. That scientists should find old tusks and remains of this animal is perhaps surprising, though it could be explained in some way or other; but they also find perfectly fresh bodies of these animals. They reason that these fresh bodies were preserved in that condition in the ice for hundreds, perhaps thousands of centuries, but we shall show that this is not the case. But let us marshal our evidence gradually.

The reader will remember that the mammoth and the mastodon are two elephant-like animals but much larger than our elephant of the tropics. They were vegetarian animals and, like the elephant, inhabitants of a warm country. When their remains were first discovered in the polar regions, therefore, it was thought that at one time the polar regions had been very warm, with plenty of vegetation, and that owing to the gradual change of the earth's axis, the area which was once hot had gradually been brought into positions where it grew colder until at last the mammoth and mastodon were frozen out. Let us see whether this idea fits all the facts in the case. But first let us see what those facts are.

In J. W. Buel's " The World's Wonders " we read:

" The farther north we penetrate, in greater abundance are found vestiges of elephants, tortoises, crocodiles, and other beasts and reptiles of a tropical climate. These are found in greatest abundance along the banks of rivers flowing from the north, seeming to prove that there is, somewhere beyond the frozen belt not yet penetrated by man, a warm country, with climate and productions similar to those of the tropics. Along the borders of Siberia, the remains of tropical animals are so commonly found as to constitute a considerable source of commerce. In Asiatic Russia there is not a single stream or river on the banks or in the bed of which are not found bones of elephants, or other animals equally strange to that climate. In 1799, a fisherman of Tongoose, named Schumachoff, discovered a tremendous elephant- as perfect as when thousands of years
before, death had arrested its breath- encased in a huge block of ice, clear as crystal. This man, like his neighbors, was accustomed, at the end of the fishing season, to employ his time in hunting for elephant tusks along the banks of the Lena River, for the sake of the bounty offered by the government; and while so employed, in the ardor of his pursuit, he passed several miles beyond his companions when suddenly there appeared before his wondering eyes the miraculous sight above alluded to. But this man was ignorant and superstitious, and instead of hastening to announce his wonderful discovery for the benefit of science, he stupidly gazed upon it in awe and wonder, not daring to approach it. For several successive seasons from the time when he first discovered it, did Schumachoff make stealthy journeys to his crystallized monster, never finding courage sufficient to approach it closely, but simply standing at a distance, once more to feast his eyes on the wonder, and to carry away in his thick head enough of terror to guarantee him a nightmare for a whole month of nights. At last he found the imprisoned carcass stranded on a convenient sand-bank, and boldly attacked it, broke the glittering casing, and roughly despoiling the great beast of its splendid tusks, hurried home and sold them for fifty roubles, leaving the well preserved bulk of elephant meat, thousands of years old, yet juicy and without taint, to be devoured by wolves and bears or hacked to bits by natives as food for their dogs."


We next turn to Dr. H. D. Northrop's " Earth, Sky, and Sea," where we find some later information about this same case. It seems that after the fisherman had left the mammoth carcass he told of its whereabouts and a party set out to examine it:

" For some time the flesh of this animal was cut off for dog-meat by people around, and bears, wolves, gluttons, and foxes, fed upon it till the skeleton was nearly cleared of its flesh. About three-fourths of the skin, which was of a reddish-gray color, and covered with reddish wool and black hairs about eight inches long, was saved, and such was its weight, that it required ten men to remove it; the bones of the head, with the tusks, weighed four hundred and sixteen pounds. The skeleton was taken to St. Peters-burg, where it may still be seen in the Museum of Natural History. The animal must have been twice the ordinary size of the existing elephant, and it must have weighed at least twenty-thousand pounds."


This same author goes on to say:

" Every year in the season of thawing ( in Northern Asiatic Russia ) the vast rivers, which descend to the Frozen Ocean in the north of Siberia, sweep down with their waters innumberable portions of the banks and expose to view the bones buried in the soil and excavations left by the rushing waters. It is curious that the more we advance toward the north of Russia, the more numerous do the bone depositaries become. In spite of the undoubted testimony often repeated, of numerous travelers, we can scarcely credit the statements made respecting some of the islands of the glacial sea near the poles, situated opposite the mouths of the Lena and of the Indigirska.

" All the islands nearest to the mainland, which is about thirty-six leagues in length, except three or four small rocky mountains, are a mixture of sand and ice, so that when the thaw sets in and their banks begin to fall, many mammoth bones are found. All the isle is formed of the bones of this extraordinary animal, of the horns and skulls of buffaloes, or of an animal which resembles them, and of some rhinoceros horns.


" New Siberia and the Isle of Lachon are for the most part only a mass of sand, of ice, and of elephant's teeth. At every tempest the sea casts ashore new quantities of mammoth's tusks, and the inhabitants of Siberia carry on a profitable trade in this fossil ivory. Every year during the summer innumerable fishermen's barks direct their course towards this isle of bones, and during winter immense caravans take the same route, all the convoys drawn by dogs, returning laden with the tusks of the mammoth, weighing each from 150 to 200 pounds. The isle of bones has served as a quarry of this valuable material for export to China for five hundred years, and it has been exported to Europe for upwards of a hundred. But the supply from these strange mines remains undiminished."

All we have to say to those last statements is that the supply must be replenished right along or such a thing could not be so everlasting. And we think there can be no doubt that these supplies of remains have been and are being replenished right to the present moment.

In his book, " In the Lena Delta "; George W. Melville, the United States naval officer and explorer, also tells of the immense tusks, in this case stained black by being buried in peat bogs, which he saw in that country. In some cases they measured nine feet along the curve, and were thirty inches in circumference at the end near the skull. He saw one train of thirty sleighs ladon with the tusks on its way to China.

Our next witness is Nordenskiold who tells in his " Arctic Voyages " of the traffic in mammoth tusks along the river Yennssej to China and Russia. A little later he says: " In the Siberian Polar Sea, the animal and vegetable types, so far as we can judge beforehand, exclusively consist of survivals from the Glacial period which next preceded the present, which is not the case in the Polar Sea where the Gulf Stream distributes its waters and whither it thus carries types from more southerly regions."

It is evident that Nordenskiold has forgotten that the currents which he thinks carry southerly types to the polar sea, really come from the north, from the polar regions. And we shall show that these animals which are apparently survivals from the glacial period are really inhabitants of the interior of the earth which, owing to its climatic conditions, is now the home of animals and vegetable species which flourished on the outer surface of the earth in the carboniferous era of giant ferns, mammoths, and other species characteristic of that period of damp, steamy, warm climate.


But Nordenskiold admits that the finding of mammoth bones, etc., in the Siberian " tundras " or immense plains of sand drifts, is a puzzle to the orthodox geologist. For these drifts were formed quite recently, and yet they contain remains of animals which the orthodox scientist believes to be thousands of years old and no longer existing. He says: " The tundra has been formed under climatical conditions very similar to the present, which is further confirmed by the geognostic formation of the strata. It has, therefore, long been difficult of explanation for the geologist that just in those sandy strata is found a large number of remains of mammoths, rhinoceroses, etc., that is to say, of animal types which for the present live only in tropical or sub-tropical climates. Collections from these regions gave a peculiar interest from the remarkable :ircumstance that in the frozen soil of the tundra are round, not only skeletons, but also flesh, hide, hair, and entrails of animal forms which died out many thousands of centuries ago. Among our collections may be mentioned, large pieces of mammoth hide found along with some fragments of bone where the Mesenkin falls into the Yenissej, the skull of a muskox, remarkable for its size, found with fragments of mammoth bones in another tundra valley south of Orlovskoj, a very rich collection of sub-fossil shells found principally between Orlovskoj and Gostinoi."

Now that is a very clear statement of the difficulty in which the orthodox scientist finds himself. Here is a new formation- the tundra- and in it he finds skins and bones and entrails of animals which are supposed to be some thousands of centuries old. It is obvious that they cannot be as old as that, or else they would not be there. And the fact that parts of hides and entrails are found- not fossilized but simply frozen- and that semi-fossilized shells are also found, shows that the shells are older than the hides and bones. For in thousands of centuries the hides and entrails would certainly have disintegrated and left nothing but fossil imprints. A little later Nordenskiold says:

" Few scientific discoveries have so powerfully captivated the interest both of the learned and unlearned as that of the colossal remains of elephants, sometimes well preserved with hair and flesh in the frozen soil of Siberia. Such discoveries have more than once formed the object of scientific expeditions and careful researches by eminent men, but there is still much that is enigmatical with respect to a number of circumstances connected with the Mammoth period of Siberia, which perhaps was contemporaneous with our Glacial period. Specially is our knowledge of the animal and vegetable types, which lived at the same time as the mammoth, exceedingly incomplete, although we know that in the northernmost parts of Siberia, which are also most inaccessible from land, there are small hills covered with the bones of the mammoth and other contemporaneous animals . . . ."


A little later Nordenskiold sailed for the New Siberian Islands:

" These islands are very remarkable from a scientific point of view, being very rich in the remains of the mammoth and other animals of the same period, which are found in greater abundance among them than on the tundra of the mainland. Some of the sand-banks on their shores are so full of the bones and tusks of the mammoth that the ivory collectors who for a series of years traveled every year from the mainland to the islands in dog-sledges, used to return in autumn when the sea was again covered with ice, with a rich harvest. According to Hedenstrom, the only educated person who has examined these islands in summer, there are besides in the interior hills which are covered with the remains of the mammoth, the rhinoceros, horse, aurochs, bison, sheep, etc."

Special collections were made by Nordenskiold of specimens that would aid him in determining what he admitted was a " difficult problem ": how it was possible for the progenitors of the Indian elephant to live in the ice deserts of Siberia.

Yes the problem is difficult when you do not know all the facts, but when we know that the mammoth still lives in the interior, then we can easily understand the situation.

Perhaps the reader says, " But you have not actually proved that yet." But let the reader wait until all the evidence is in. We wish to put the matter beyond the shadow of a doubt, and so we call upon every witness who has seen these remains, but we shall leave the most remarkable case until the last.


In Edwin S. Grew's " The Romance of Modern Geology " we read of the finding of mammoth remains in France including a tusk which is carved with a rough but clever picture of a mammoth. That proves that the animal still existed on the outer surface of the earth when mankind had come upon the scene. Mr. Grew also confirms the facts we have told above of the finding of the complete mammoth in the ice by the Russian fisherman in Siberia. He adds that Mr. Adams of the St. Petersburg Museum was sent by the Czar to examine the carcass and found it in a still fresh condition.

He tells us that:

" The Yakuts of the neighborhood had cut off the flesh, with which they had fed their dogs; wild beasts, such as white bears, wolves, wolverines, and foxes had also fed upon it, and traces of their footsteps were seen around. The skeleton almost cleared of flesh, remained whole, with the exception of one foreleg. The spine of the back, one scapula, the pelvis, and other three limbs were still held together by the ligaments and by parts of the skin; the other scapula was found not far off. The head was covered with a dry skin; one of the ears was furnished with a tuft of hairs; the balls of the eyes were still distinguishable; the brain still occupied the cranium but seemed dried up; the point of the lower lip had been gnawed and the upper lip had been distroyed so as to expose the teeth; the neck was furnished with a long flowing mane; the skin, of a dark-grey color, covered with black hairs and a reddish wool, was so heavy that ten persons found great difficulty in transporting it to shore.


" There was collected, according to Mr. Adams, more than thirty-six pounds weight of hair and wool which the white bears had trod into the ground while devouring the flesh. This mammoth was a male, so fat and well fed, according to the assertion of the Tungusian chief, that its belly hung down below the joints of its knees. Its tusks were nine feet, six inches in length, measured along the curve, and its head without the tusks weighed four hundred and fourteen pounds avoirdupois."

But Mr. Grew has something even more remarkable than this corroborative testimony to tell us, and we shall quote other writers to confirm him. He goes on in this same book to tell of:

" A very curious example of the Siberian Mammoth was discovered only a few years ago by a Lamut of one of the Arctic Villages, and through the energy of Dr. Herz was eventually removed in -
pieces to St. Petersburg. . . . . . It was sunk in frozen ground, and this cold storage treatment had preserved it in an extraordinary manner. If the Siberian natives who had discovered it partially buried in alluvial deposit had not uncovered it, so that the sun was able to play on the carcass and produce decay, this wonderful primeval monster might almost have been got out whole. As it was, the frozen ground had so kept the remains that Dr. Herz had found well-preserved fragments of food between the teeth, and the remains of a hearty meal in the stomach. There is no doubt that the Mammoth fell into the crevice or pit and damaged himself so much in the fall that he could not crawl out . . . . . ."


The reader will notice that Mr. Grew refers to this mammoth as a " primeval " monster. And that is an example of the sort of thinking that has set all the scientists wrong on these questions regarding the polar regiorz. Instead of studying the actual facts as we have done in this book they come to the facts with certain fixed ideas in their heads, and they can only undertsand as many of the facts as fit into their ideas. Everything else they pass by as being of no importance. The reader will see that Mr. Grew has read in his previous studies that the mammoth was a primeval animal- which is true enough as far as it goes. It was a very early animal, and in all the outer world is now extinct. But when he hears of a perfectly fresh carcass being discovered, it never occurs to Mr. Grew-nor to Dr. Herz nor to Nordenskiold nor to any other explorer, to think anything else than what he has always thought. They still think of the animal as extinct although its fresh carcass is before them, and they try to explain the fresh-ness of the carcass by saying that it was preserved by the ice.


But the mammoth and mastodon are inhabitants, as we have seen, of warm climates, and if the animal we have just read about fell into that crevice when he and his fellows still roamed on what must then have been the much warmer climate of Siberia than the present one, it follows that it was many years before the ice came and froze the animal in its grave.

We claim, it will be seen, that if these animals lived in a certain climate-whatever the climate of Siberia happened to be in the days when scientists claim that the mammoth lived- either one of two things must have happened. If the climate gradually grew colder they would be driven off by the inclemency of the change. If it did not change they would be living in Siberia still. But there are no mammoths in Siberia now. So they were driven somewhere by the growing cold. We claim that they took refuge in the interior of the earth-from whence, for all science can prove to the contrary, they may have come in the first place. We further claim that the fresh remains of their bodies which have been found in Siberia are those of mammoths which in their wanderings came a little further south than usual-for the climate around the polar openings would be quite warm enough for them, and that these animals fell in to ice crevasses in places from which they were carried to the present situations by the movements of the ice-by those great glaciers which have from time to time been referred to in accounts of Greenland.


For consider the alternative supposition. Suppose the mammoth referred to above had really fallen into a pit or water hole a million or so years ago. Suppose that almost immediately afterwards the climate became so cold that the body was frozen in; and climate never does change so quickly. Even in that short interval the food in the stomach and between the teeth would have decomposed. Food begins to break up the minute it reaches the stomach and is acted on by the gastric juice. The heat and moisture of the mouth is such that all food not washed away from the teeth immediately after eating begins to decompose. It would not take a pretentiously educated scientist or veteran Arctic explorer, it would take no more scientifically equipped man than any dentist to tell that when a carcass is found frozen with fresh food between its teeth, that carcass was frozen either immediately after death or even frozen to death.


No, there is no getting away from the fact that the mammoth was alive after the ice was formed, and in some manner fell into a crevasse and was frozen. And the only place the mammoth could come from to meet such a fate is the interior of the earth, because the interior of the earth and possibly all the land around the polar lips is the only climate in the north where he could survive. When the Siberian climate became cold the means of escape to the south was shut off. If it had not been, the mammoth might have migrated south and been alive in the warmer regions today. But we have seen that the ross-gull and other birds as well as the foxes and bears go north when the winter sets in, and the mammoth either came from the interior of the earth in the first place or else he sought it for a refuge when the Siberian wilds became too cold for him.


Apart from that there is no explanation of these remains at all. R. Lyddeker, a British biologist, writing in Knowledge for 1892 says: " Along the borders of the Arctic Ocean for hundreds of miles mammoth remains are met with in increditable quantities; and it is still one of the puzzles of geology to account adequately and satisfactorily for the manner in which these creatures perished, and how their bodies were buried beneath the frozen soil before decomposition had begun its work, for it is hardly possible to believe that they lived in a climate so rigorous that their bodies would have been frozen on the ground immediately after death.”


The same writer in Knowledge for 1892, tells of the many discoveries of mammoth flesh in fresh condition and mentions that the natives of Siberia as well as their dogs have eaten of the flesh-another striking proof of its freshness. But perhaps the most remarkable testimony of this sort is the fact that an actual banquet has been served from the flesh of this supposedly extinct animal. Readers may remember the newspaper reports of that banquet, several years ago, in Petrograd, at which the flesh of the mammoth, wheat from Egyptian tombs, and other preserved products from the remains of Pompeii and Hercu-laneum were among the items served, the idea being to serve only those things which were thousands of years old. Unfortunately, the scientists had not gone into the history of the mammoth as profoundly as they might, or they would have seen the inconsis-tencies in their theories which we have pointed out above. And then they would have had to omit the mammoth steak, or at least admit that it was not as old as the other viands they served at this scientific banquet.

But perhaps the reader is not willing to see a whole argument based on what he may consider the one isolated example of a mammoth found with fresh food between its teeth. He may say one witness is not enough in an important case like this. Very well; let us cite another witness. In June, 1894, Dr. Stephen Bower, ohe of the foremost American geologists, contributed a long article on extinct animals to the Scientific American Supplement. Of course, like other scientists, he thought that the mammoth was extinct, but he knew that its flesh had been eaten by man-in fact his reference to that fact may be caused by his knowledge of the banquet at Petrograd to which we have referred above. In any case he begins his remarks about the mammoth as follows:
" While the monsters we have described perished many ages before man appeared on the earth, and have never been seen by him alive, the monster of which we are now about to write has been seen by man and its flesh eaten by him. That, however, was after it had been entombed for untold ages in the ice of Arctic regions. The remains of the mammoth are widely diffused over the earth. They have been found in great abundance not only in North America, but also in the frozen regions of Siberia, and indeed all over Asiatic Russia .... As far back as the tenth century an active trade has been carried on in fossil ivory. It is estimated that during the past two centuries more than two hundred pairs of fossil tusks have come into the market annually, and the localities where found are far from being exhausted. After more than forty thousand pairs have been obtained from northern regions the traveler finds them increasing as he approaches toward the north pole. It is said that the soil of Bear Island and Liachoff Island, New Siberia, consists of sand and ice with such quantities of Mammoth remains that they appear as if they were made up of bones and tusks."

Let us break off just a moment to remind the reader how the above corroborates what we have said as to the greater frequency of life and the remains of life as we approach the north polar regions-even the mammoth bones tell the same tale as the gulls and foxes and bears.

Dr. Powers then proceeds to verify once again the facts we have already heard of: " But not only have the fossil remains of the Mammoth been found all over the Arctic lands as far as man has penetrated, but their bodies, as we have intimated, have been found intact, frozen and preserved in the ice. In the year 1800, the entire body of a mammoth was discovered in a vast stratum of ice on the banks of the river Lena. Afterwards it became disengaged from its icy matrix and white bears, wolves, foxes and dogs fed off its flesh. It was a male and had a long mane on its neck."


And Dr. Bowers gives once more the details which we already know. He goes on, however, to tell of another instance which other writers have also mentioned: " A young Russian engineer, named Benkendorf, in the employ of his government, ascended the Indigirka in a steamer in 1846. The season was unusually warm for Siberia, and the country was flooded with water. The stream, which was greatly swollen, cut new channels in many places, melting the ice and frozen soil. In one of these newly cut channels he discovered a mammoth in an upright position, where it had been overwhelmed, probably thousands of years before. As its head and trunk rose and fell with the surging waters he discovered that it was still fastened in the ice and frozen soil by its hind feet. The monster was secured by throwing ropes and chains over its tusks and head, and after its hind feet were released it was safely landed by the aid of more than fifty men and horses. It proved to be of gigantic size, and the whole body was in a fine state of preservation. In its stomach was found the food that had formed its last repast, which consisted of young shoots of the fir and pine, also young fir cones. On the shoulders and along the back grew stiff hairs about a foot long. The hair was dark brown and coarsely rooted. Under the outer hairs there appeared everywhere a soft, warm and thick wool of a fallow brown color."

Dr. Bowers can only account for this surprising freshness by supposing that the freezing of the animal was instantaneous, and his own theory is that there was a sudden change in the climate which he puts at about the lateness of what he calls the " Noahian deluge ". But that is very unscientific, as we know now that changes in climate are gradual, and in serious scientific discussions it is not usual to bring in Noah and the biblical account of the deluge. But in spite of the difficulties, Dr. Bowers makes the most generous acknowledgement of the absolute freshness of this and other specimens found. He even says: " Many of the animals, as the mammoth, rhinoceros, etc., remain undecayed. Even the capillary blood vessels still retain their contents, showing that there was not the slightest decomposition or breaking down of the tissues, but the catastrophe which overwhelmed them was sudden."

Of the mammoth, therefore, we have the mass of evidence cited to show that the interior of the earth is its habitat. The scientists who have not had this theory to work with have confessed that they cannot explain the phenomenon. But once supply the link which our theory gives and the whole sequence is complete. The mammoth is wandering today in the interior of the earth. When he ventures too near the polar orifice- it must be remembered that the mammoth and mastodon and elephant are all characterized by a tendency to wander widely- he becomes stranded on a breaking ice floe and carried over from the interior regions, to the outer regions or perhaps falls in a crevasse in ice which afterwards begins to move in some great glacial movement. In these ways the bodies are carried over to Siberia and left where we have seen them discovered. That such a process has been going on for thousands of years is seen from the abundance of remains. Evidently the migratory instinct, which does not change for thousands of years even when the conditions which started it do change, is still working in these animals. And so we have from time to time their silent testimony to the existence and mild climate and vegetation of that interior land which supports them, and which has been giving this and other testimony for so many years without any of our learned scientists as much as once correlating and putting together the evidence- evidence which they alone among us have had the opportunity of collecting but which they collected piece meal, unaware if its importance, puzzled by it, occassionally admitting that they were puzzled, but which they never faced squarely with minds free from preconception. But at last all this evidence has been gathered together. More of it will undoubtedly be forthcoming. And, not for the first time in the history of thought, the orthodox scientists will have to admit that they were wrong in their interpretation of the facts of polar research, and that there is really something new to be found out.


We have referred to the eating of mammoth flesh by scientists and their guests at a banquet, and this evidence of the freshness of the meat of the animal is so remarkable that our readers may well wish to know all the details. As a matter of fact the eating of mammoth flesh by human beings has occurred more than once according to recent reports in news-papers, and, of course, there may be hundreds of cases among the Eskimos or inhabitants of Siberia where some of the carcasses have been found in a fresh condition.

The most talked about mammoth banquet was that given by Professor Herz, of the Imperial Academy of Science of St. Petersburg- as it was then- who had been leader of the expedition into Siberia which unearthed and transported the mammoth in question to the Imperial Museum. Only the bones and the skin were needed for mounting in the mu-seum, and as the professor had kept the whole carcass in cold storage it suddenly occurred to him that it would be quite possible to eat the flesh. Of course he was under the impression that this flesh was over 20,000 years old, an idea which we have already shown to be quite wrong, and he asked scientists in other parts of the world to contribute other ancient foods-such as corn dug up from the ruins of Egyptian cities. As the mammoth flesh was not old at all we need not speak of the other and older items of this feast. What does concern us is what the guests thought of the meat. But the account of the banquet says that the banquet was a triumph: " particularly the course of mammoth steak, which all the learned guests declared was agreeable to the taste, and not much tougher than some of the sirloin furnished by butchers of today."

Another mammoth meal was eaten by an American traveler and author, Mr. James Oliver Curwood, who was exploring in the far north when his Eskimo fellow travelers found "the body of a mammoth exposed by the falling of a cliff-side. Before quoting Mr. Curwood we should like to point out how little the scientists really know about such matters by contrasting what he gives as the animal's age with what Professor Herz gave. Herz put it at 20,000 years; Curwood, quoted in The Chicago Tribune for July 7th, 1912, puts it at 50,000 to 100,000 years. As we have already shown, Herz is nearer the truth than Curwood. But at that he is about 20,000 years wrong. However, here is what Mr. Curwood has to say:


" The flesh was of a deep red or mahogony color, and I dined on a steak an inch and a half thick .... The flavor of the meat was old- not unpleasan- but simply old and dry. That it had lost none of its life-sustaining elements was shown by the fact that the dogs throve upon it."

What Mr. Curwood calls an old flavor- really there could be no such thing any more than there could be a yellow or a blue flavor- is simply the strong flavor due to the character of the animal. Anyone who has eaten bear steak or even venison and contrasted the flavor with beef or mutton will know just what Mr. Curwood is really trying to say.

But there is on record of at least one more mammoth banquet, this time given by Gabrielle D'Annunzio from the flesh of another mammoth, the bones of which repose in a Paris Museum. Here is part of the story as cabled to the Chicago Examiner some years ago:

" Paris, Jan. 31- Meat between forty and fifty thousand years old was the star dish at a banquet given by Gabriele D'Annunzio, the Italian dramatist and poet, at the Hotel Carlton last evening.

" D'Annunzio obtained the flesh from Russia where it was cut from the carcass of a mammoth which was dug out of the ice around the Liakoff Islands, north of Siberia, by Count Stembock Fermer. The count has presented the pachydern to the Paris Museum of Natural History, where it is about to be exhibited.

" The body embedded in the eternal ice was in perfect condition, at the time of its discovery, a large quantity of the flesh was kept in cold storage and shipped to St. Petersburg.

" This fifty thousand year old frozen meat is being treasured in Russia, but after repeated efforts, D'Annunzio, through influential friends, succeeded in obtaining several pounds of this rare food-stuff.


" Yesterday's sensational dinner was preliminary to the competition for the Fontenoy Cup, awarded by the French Greyhound Club, of which the poet is one of the most enthusiastic members. His guests were five fellow members of the club and covers were also laid for the favorite hounds of the guests. Describing the banquet afterward to the Examiner correspondent, D'Annunzio said:

" `It was the most successful dinner I ever gave. The elephant meat exceeded my highest expectations. In flavor it was like tortoise flesh, but it was, well-a little tough . . . . . . I had it broiled and served with six different kinds of sauce.' "

Of course the reader will notice that D'Annunzio like everyone else thinks the mammoth flesh was much older than it is- in this case forty thousand years is mentioned as a possible age as well as fifty thousand. Now what do the scientists mean by saying a thing is forty thousand years old, then fifty thousand, and then a hundred thousand years? Does not that mean that the whole thing is a guess? Otherwise, the man who said it was forty thousand years old would have some reason for that estimate and that reason ought to convince the man who says it is fifty thousand years and him who says 100,000 years. Or else the 100,000 year old theory ought to convince the other fellows. Some of them, at least, ought to have some actual evidence on which to base their figures. But as there is no evidence at all, we find guesses all the way from 20,000 to 100,000 years for the age of the mammoth and we find nothing except these guesses, not a single cogent argument. That being the case, it ought to be obvious that a theory such as ours, which explains the actual facts of the case, must supplant. these wild guesses. The reason the scientists who say 20,000 or 50,000 or 100,000 years cannot agree is that none of them is right. If any one of them were right he would be able to convince the others by some actual proof or argument. But as all are wrong-almost equally wrong, one might say, although their errors differ by a few thousand years- no one man can convince the other. Our own pointing out of the actual facts in the case at once clears away the fog.

The book Smokey God on the Mammoth:


On the northern boundaries of Alaska, and still more frequently on Siberian coast, are found bone-yards containing tusks of ivory in quantities so great as to suggest the burying-places of antiquity, From Olaf Jansen's account, they have come from the great prolific animal life that abounds in the fields and forests and on the banks of numerous rivers of the Inner World. The materials were caught in the ocean currents, or carried on ice-floes, and have accumulated like driftwood on the Siberian coast. This has been going on for ages, and hence these mysterious bone-yards. On this subject William F. Warren, in his book already cited, pages 297 and 298, says: "The Arctic rocks tell of a lost Atlantis more wonderful than Plato's. The fossil ivory beds of Siberia excel everything of the kind in the world. From the days of Pliny, at least, they have constantly been undergoing exploitation, and still they are the chief headquarters of supply. The remains of mammoths are so abundant that, as Gratacap says, 'the northern islands of Siberia seem built up of crowded bones.' Another scientific writer, speaking of the islands of New Siberia, northward of the mouth of the River Lena, uses this language: 'Large quantities of ivory are dug out of the ground every year. Indeed, some of the islands are believed to be nothing but an accumulation of drift-timber and the bodies of mammoths and other antediluvian animals frozen together.' From this we may infer that, during the years that have elapsed since the Russian conquest of Siberia, useful tusks from more than twenty thousand mammoths have been collected." But now for the story of Olaf Jansen. I give it in detail, as set down by himself in manuscript, and woven into the tale, just as he placed them are certain quotations from recent works on Arctic exploration, showing how carefully the old Norseman compared with his own experiences those of other voyagers to the frozen North. Thus wrote the disciple of Odin and Thor:








(desculpem os respeitados leitores

as grandes falhas sintático-

semânticas que estão presentes

nas traduções automáticas como

aquela que a seguir lhes é








"Gardner sobre o Mammoth

An excerpt from A Journey to the Earth's Interior Um trecho de A Viagem ao Interior da Terra

This is not the longest chapter in this book, but to anyone who wishes to prove our theory " in a hurry " it may be commended, for it brings proof to bear so startling, so incontrovertible, that we wonder how these observations could have been made by the regular scientists and their significance been over-looked. Este não é o maior capítulo deste livro, mas para quem deseja provar a nossa teoria "pressa" pode ser elogiado, pois traz a prova de suportar tão surpreendente, tão indiscutível, que nós queremos saber como essas observações poderiam ter sido feito pelos cientistas regular e seu significado sido negligenciada. But then the regular scientists had a theory of the earth's composition in their minds before they made these observations. Mas, então, os cientistas regulares tinha uma teoria da composição da terra em suas mentes antes que eles fizeram essas observações. And the theory being there first would not budge to make room for the truth. E a teoria estar lá primeiro não se moveria para abrir espaço para a verdade.


These observations concern the presence in the polar regions of the mammoth. Estas observações dizem respeito à presença nas regiões polares do mamute. That scientists should find old tusks and remains of this animal is perhaps surprising, though it could be explained in some way or other; but they also find perfectly fresh bodies of these animals. Que os cientistas devem encontrar presas velhos e restos deste animal é talvez surpreendente, embora pudesse ser explicado de uma forma ou outra, mas eles também encontram corpos perfeitamente fresco destes animais. They reason that these fresh bodies were preserved in that condition in the ice for hundreds, perhaps thousands of centuries, but we shall show that this is not the case. Eles argumentam que esses novos corpos foram preservados nessa condição no gelo por centenas, talvez milhares de séculos, mas vamos mostrar que este não é o caso. But let us marshal our evidence gradually. Mas vamos mobilizar as nossas provas de forma gradual.

The reader will remember that the mammoth and the mastodon are two elephant-like animals but much larger than our elephant of the tropics. O leitor vai se lembrar que o mamute eo mastodonte são dois elefantes como animais, mas muito maior do que o nosso elefante dos trópicos. They were vegetarian animals and, like the elephant, inhabitants of a warm country. Eles eram vegetarianos e, como o elefante, habitantes de um país quente. When their remains were first discovered in the polar regions, therefore, it was thought that at one time the polar regions had been very warm, with plenty of vegetation, and that owing to the gradual change of the earth's axis, the area which was once hot had gradually been brought into positions where it grew colder until at last the mammoth and mastodon were frozen out. Quando seus restos mortais foram descobertos nas regiões polares, portanto, pensou-se que ao mesmo tempo as regiões polares tinha sido muito quente, com abundância de vegetação, e que, devido à mudança gradual do eixo da Terra, a área que já foi quente tinha sido gradualmente trazidos para posições onde ele cresceu mais frio até que finalmente o mamute eo mastodonte foram congelados para fora. Let us see whether this idea fits all the facts in the case. Vamos ver se essa idéia se encaixa todos os fatos do caso. But first let us see what those facts are. Mas primeiro vamos ver o que esses fatos são.

In JW Buel's " The World's Wonders " we read: Em JW Buel, "O mundo Maravilhas", lemos:

" The farther north we penetrate, in greater abundance are found vestiges of elephants, tortoises, crocodiles, and other beasts and reptiles of a tropical climate. These are found in greatest abundance along the banks of rivers flowing from the north, seeming to prove that there is, somewhere beyond the frozen belt not yet penetrated by man, a warm country, with climate and productions similar to those of the tropics. Along the borders of Siberia, the remains of tropical animals are so commonly found as to constitute a considerable source of commerce. In Asiatic Russia there is not a single stream or river on the banks or in the bed of which are not found bones of elephants, or other animals equally strange to that climate. In 1799, a fisherman of Tongoose, named Schumachoff, discovered a tremendous elephant- as "O norte mais penetramos, em maior abundância são encontrados vestígios de elefantes, tartarugas, crocodilos e outros animais e répteis de um clima tropical. Estes são encontrados em maior abundância ao longo das margens dos rios que fluem a partir do norte, parecendo provar que há, em algum lugar além do cinturão congelados ainda não penetrou pelo homem, um país quente, com clima e produções semelhantes às dos trópicos. Ao longo das bordas da Sibéria, os restos de animais tropicais são tão comumente encontrado como para constituir uma fonte considerável de comércio. Na Rússia asiática não há um único fluxo ou rio nas margens ou no leito de que não são encontrados ossos de elefantes e outros animais igualmente estranha a esse clima. Em 1799, um pescador de Tongoose, chamado Schumachoff, descobriu um elefante como uma tremenda perfect as when thousands of years perfeito como quando milhares de anos
before, death had arrested its breath- encased in a huge block of ice, clear as crystal. antes, a morte havia prendido a respiração, envolto em um enorme bloco de gelo, claro como cristal. This man, like his neighbors, was accustomed, at the end of the fishing season, to employ his time in hunting for elephant tusks along the banks of the Lena River, for the sake of the bounty offered by the government; and while so employed, in the ardor of his pursuit, he passed several miles beyond his companions when suddenly there appeared before his wondering eyes the miraculous sight above alluded to. Este homem, como seus vizinhos, estava acostumado, no final da temporada de pesca, para empregar seu tempo na caça de presas de elefante ao longo das margens do rio Lena, por uma questão de a recompensa oferecida pelo governo, e enquanto assim empregados , no ardor da sua perseguição, passou vários quilômetros além de seus companheiros quando, de repente, apareceu diante de seus olhos imaginando a visão milagrosa acima aludido. But this man was ignorant and superstitious, and instead of hastening to announce his wonderful discovery for the benefit of science, he stupidly gazed upon it in awe and wonder, not daring to approach it. Mas este homem era ignorante e supersticioso, e, em vez de apressar a anunciar a sua descoberta maravilhosa para o benefício da ciência, ele olhou estupidamente sobre ela com espanto e admiração, não ousando abordá-lo. For several successive seasons from the time when he first discovered it, did Schumachoff make stealthy journeys to his crystallized monster, never finding courage sufficient to approach it closely, but simply standing at a distance, once more to feast his eyes on the wonder, and to carry away in his thick head enough of terror to guarantee him a nightmare for a whole month of nights. Para várias temporadas sucessivas a partir do momento quando ele descobriu, fez Schumachoff fazer viagens furtivas para seu monstro cristalizado, nunca encontrar a coragem suficiente para abordá-lo de perto, mas simplesmente de pé a uma distância de, mais uma vez a festa de seus olhos sobre a maravilha, e para levar na cabeça espessa o suficiente de terror para garantir-lhe um pesadelo para um mês inteiro de noites. At last he found the imprisoned carcass stranded on a convenient sand-bank, and boldly attacked it, broke the glittering casing, and roughly despoiling the great beast of its splendid tusks, hurried home and sold them for fifty roubles, leaving the well preserved bulk of elephant meat, thousands of years old, yet juicy and without taint, to be devoured by wolves and bears or hacked to bits by natives as food for their dogs." Finalmente, ele encontrou a carcaça preso encalhado em um banco de areia, conveniente, e ousadamente atacado, quebrou a caixa brilhante, e cerca de espoliação da grande besta de suas presas esplêndido, correu para casa e vendeu-os por cinqüenta rublos, deixando a maior parte bem preservada de carne de elefante, milhares de anos, ainda suculenta e sem mácula, para ser devorado pelos lobos e ursos ou cortado em pedaços pelos nativos como alimento para seus cães. "


We next turn to Dr. HD Northrop's " Earth, Sky, and Sea," where we find some later information about this same case. A seguir, por sua vez o Dr. HD Northrop do "Terra, Céu e Mar", onde encontramos algumas informações mais tarde sobre esse mesmo caso. It seems that after the fisherman had left the mammoth carcass he told of its whereabouts and a party set out to examine it: Parece que depois que o pescador havia deixado a carcaça de mamute, disse de seu paradeiro e um partido começou a examiná-lo:

" For some time the flesh of this animal was cut off for dog-meat by people around, and bears, wolves, gluttons, and foxes, fed upon it till the skeleton was nearly cleared of its flesh. About three-fourths of the skin, which was of a reddish-gray color, and covered with reddish wool and black hairs about eight inches long, was saved, and such was its weight, that it required ten men to remove it; the bones of the head, with the tusks, weighed four hundred and sixteen pounds. The skeleton was taken to St. Peters-burg, where it may still be seen in the Museum of Natural History. The animal must have been twice the ordinary size of the existing elephant, and it must have weighed at least twenty-thousand pounds." "Por algum tempo a carne deste animal foi cortado para o cão de carne por pessoas ao redor, e ursos, lobos, glutões, e raposas, alimentados em cima dela até que o esqueleto estava quase limpo de sua carne. Cerca de três quartos da pele , que era de uma cor cinza-avermelhado, e coberto com lã avermelhada e cabelos pretos cerca de oito centímetros de comprimento, foi salvo, e tal era o seu peso, que era necessário dez homens para removê-lo, os ossos da cabeça, com as presas , pesava 416 £. O esqueleto foi levado para o St. Peters-burgo, onde ainda pode ser visto no Museu de História Natural. O animal deve ter sido o dobro do tamanho normal do elefante existentes, e deve ter pesava pelo menos vinte mil libras. "


This same author goes on to say: Este mesmo autor prossegue, dizendo:

" Every year in the season of thawing ( in Northern Asiatic Russia ) the vast rivers, which descend to the Frozen Ocean in the north of Siberia, sweep down with their waters innumberable portions of the banks and expose to view the bones buried in the soil and excavations left by the rushing waters. It is curious that the more we advance toward the north of Russia, the more numerous do the bone depositaries become. In spite of the undoubted testimony often repeated, of numerous travelers, we can scarcely credit the statements made respecting some of the islands of the glacial sea near the poles, situated opposite the mouths of the Lena and of the Indigirska. "Todos os anos na estação de degelo (no Norte da Rússia asiática) a vastos rios, que descem para o oceano congelado no norte da Sibéria, varrer para baixo com suas águas porções innumberable dos bancos e expor para ver os ossos enterrados no solo e escavações deixadas pela águas. É curioso que quanto mais avançamos em direção ao norte da Rússia, o mais numeroso do osso tornam-se depositários. Apesar do testemunho indubitável muitas vezes repetida, de numerosos viajantes, dificilmente podemos crédito as declarações feitos respeitando algumas das ilhas do mar glacial perto dos pólos, situado em frente à boca da Lena e do Indigirska.

" All the islands nearest to the mainland, which is about thirty-six leagues in length, except three or four small rocky mountains, are a mixture of sand and ice, so that when the thaw sets in and their banks begin to fall, many mammoth bones are found. All the isle is formed of the bones of this extraordinary animal, of the horns and skulls of buffaloes, or of an animal which resembles them, and of some rhinoceros horns. "Todas as ilhas mais próximo ao continente, que é cerca de 36 léguas de comprimento, com exceção de três ou quatro pequenas montanhas rochosas, são uma mistura de areia e gelo, de modo que quando o degelo em conjuntos e seus bancos começam a cair, muitos ossos de mamute é encontrado. Todos ilha é formada a dos ossos deste animal extraordinário, dos chifres e crânios de búfalos, ou de um animal que se assemelha a eles, e de alguns chifres de rinoceronte.


" New Siberia and the Isle of Lachon are for the most part only a mass of sand, of ice, and of elephant's teeth. At every tempest the sea casts ashore new quantities of mammoth's tusks, and the inhabitants of Siberia carry on a profitable trade in this fossil ivory. Every year during the summer innumerable fishermen's barks direct their course towards this isle of bones, and during winter immense caravans take the same route, all the convoys drawn by dogs, returning laden with the tusks of the mammoth, weighing each from 150 to 200 pounds. The isle of bones has served as a quarry of this valuable material for export to China for five hundred years, and it has been exported to Europe for upwards of a hundred. But the supply from these strange mines remains undiminished." "Nova Sibéria ea ilha de Lachon são em sua maior parte apenas uma massa de areia, de gelo, e de dentes de elefante. Em cada tempestade o mar lança à terra, novas quantidades de presas de mamute, e os habitantes da Sibéria levar adiante um negócio rentável neste marfim fóssil. Todos os anos durante o verão cascas pescadores inúmeros diretos seu curso para este ilha de ossos, e durante o inverno caravanas imensa tomar o mesmo caminho, todos os comboios puxado por cães, voltando carregados com as presas dos mamutes, pesando cada uma 150-200 libras. A ilha de ossos tem servido como uma pedreira deste valioso material para exportação para a China por 500 anos, e tem sido exportado para a Europa por mais de uma centena. Mas a oferta destas minas estranho permanece a mesma . "

All we have to say to those last statements is that the supply must be replenished right along or such a thing could not be so everlasting. Tudo o que temos a dizer a essas declarações última é que o fornecimento deve ser reabastecido a direita junto ou tal coisa não poderia ser tão eterna. And we think there can be no doubt that these supplies of remains have been and are being replenished right to the present moment. E achamos que não pode haver dúvida de que essas fontes de restos mortais foram e estão sendo repostos certo para o momento presente.

In his book, " In the Lena Delta "; George W. Melville, the United States naval officer and explorer, also tells of the immense tusks, in this case stained black by being buried in peat bogs, which he saw in that country. Em seu livro, "No Delta Lena"; George W. Melville, os Estados Unidos oficial naval e explorador, também fala das presas imensa, neste caso preto manchado por ser enterrado em turfeiras, que viu naquele país. In some cases they measured nine feet along the curve, and were thirty inches in circumference at the end near the skull. Em alguns casos, eles mediram nove pés ao longo da curva, e trinta centímetros de circunferência na extremidade junto ao crânio. He saw one train of thirty sleighs ladon with the tusks on its way to China. Ele viu um comboio de trinta trenós Ladon com as presas em seu caminho para a China.

Our next witness is Nordenskiold who tells in his " Arctic Voyages " of the traffic in mammoth tusks along the river Yennssej to China and Russia. Nossa próxima testemunha é Nordenskiold que diz em seu "Arctic Voyages" do tráfico de presas de mamute ao longo do rio para Yennssej China e Rússia. A little later he says: " In the Siberian Polar Sea, the animal and vegetable types, so far as we can judge beforehand, exclusively consist of survivals from the Glacial period which next preceded the present, which is not the case in the Polar Sea where the Gulf Stream distributes its waters and whither it thus carries types from more southerly regions." Um pouco mais tarde ele diz: "No mar Siberian Polar, os tipos de animais e vegetais, tanto quanto podemos julgar de antemão, exclusivamente constituído por sobreviventes do período glacial que vem precedido o presente, que não é o caso do Mar Polar onde a Corrente do Golfo distribui suas águas e para onde, portanto, carrega tipos de regiões mais ao sul. "

It is evident that Nordenskiold has forgotten that the currents which he thinks carry southerly types to the polar sea, really come from the north, from the polar regions. É evidente que Nordenskiold esqueceu que as correntes que ele acha que carregam tipos de sul para o mar polar, realmente vem do norte, das regiões polares. And we shall show that these animals which are apparently survivals from the glacial period are really inhabitants of the interior of the earth which, owing to its climatic conditions, is now the home of animals and vegetable species which flourished on the outer surface of the earth in the carboniferous era of giant ferns, mammoths, and other species characteristic of that period of damp, steamy, warm climate. E vamos mostrar que esses animais que aparentemente são sobrevivências do período glacial são realmente habitantes do interior da Terra que, devido às suas condições climáticas, é agora o lar de espécies animais e vegetais que floresceram na superfície externa da Terra na era carbonífera de samambaias gigantes, mamutes e outras espécies características desse período de umidade, clima, vapor quente.


But Nordenskiold admits that the finding of mammoth bones, etc., in the Siberian " tundras " or immense plains of sand drifts, is a puzzle to the orthodox geologist. Mas Nordenskiold admite que a descoberta de ossos de mamute, etc, na Siberian "tundras" ou imensas planícies de drifts areia, é um enigma para o geólogo ortodoxa. For these drifts were formed quite recently, and yet they contain remains of animals which the orthodox scientist believes to be thousands of years old and no longer existing. Para estes desvios foram formadas muito recentemente, e eles ainda contêm restos de animais que o cientista ortodoxo acredita ser milhares de anos e não mais existente. He says: " The tundra has been formed under climatical conditions very similar to the present, which is further confirmed by the geognostic formation of the strata. It has, therefore, long been difficult of explanation for the geologist that just in those sandy strata is found a large number of remains of mammoths, rhinoceroses, etc., that is to say, of animal types which for the present live only in tropical or sub-tropical climates. Collections from these regions gave a peculiar interest from the remarkable :ircumstance that in the frozen soil of the tundra are round, not only skeletons, but also flesh, hide, hair, and entrails of animal forms which died out many thousands of centuries ago. Among our collections may be mentioned, large pieces of mammoth hide found along with some fragments of bone where the Mesenkin falls into the Yenissej, the skull of a muskox, remarkable for its size, found with fragments of mammoth bones in another tundra valley south of Orlovskoj, a very rich collection of sub-fossil shells found principally between Orlovskoj and Gostinoi." Ele diz: "A tundra foi formado sob condições climáticas muito semelhantes ao presente, que é ainda confirmado pela formação geognóstica dos estratos Tem, portanto, há muito difícil de se explicar para o geólogo, que apenas nos estratos de areia é. . Coleções encontrado um grande número de restos de mamutes, rinocerontes, etc, ou seja, de tipos de animais que vivem para o presente apenas em climas tropicais ou sub-tropical dessas regiões deu um interesse peculiar do notável: ircumstance que no solo congelado da tundra são redondas, não apenas esqueletos, mas também carne, couro, cabelo e vísceras de formas animais que morreram muitos milhares de séculos atrás. Entre as nossas colecções podem ser mencionadas, grandes pedaços de pele de mamute encontrado ao longo com alguns fragmentos de osso onde o Mesenkin cai na Yenissej, o crânio de um muskox, notável para seu tamanho, encontrado com fragmentos de ossos de mamute em outro vale sul da tundra Orlovskoj, uma coleção muito rica de sub-fósseis conchas encontradas principalmente entre Orlovskoj e Gostinoi ".

Now that is a very clear statement of the difficulty in which the orthodox scientist finds himself. Agora que é uma afirmação muito clara da dificuldade em que o cientista ortodoxa se encontra. Here is a new formation- the tundra- and in it he finds skins and bones and entrails of animals which are supposed to be some thousands of centuries old. Aqui está uma nova formação de o tundra e nela ele encontra peles e ossos e vísceras de animais que deveriam ser alguns milhares de séculos de idade. It is obvious that they cannot be as old as that, or else they would not be there. É óbvio que eles não podem ser tão velho como isso, ou então eles não estariam lá. And the fact that parts of hides and entrails are found- not fossilized but simply frozen- and that semi-fossilized shells are also found, shows that the shells are older than the hides and bones. E o fato de que as peças de peles e vísceras são encontradas não-fósseis, mas simplesmente congelados e que os reservatórios semi-fossilizados também são encontrados, mostra que as conchas são mais velhos do que as peles e ossos. For in thousands of centuries the hides and entrails would certainly have disintegrated and left nothing but fossil imprints. Por milhares de séculos as peles e vísceras certamente teria desintegrado e não deixou nada, mas impressões fósseis. A little later Nordenskiold says: Um pouco mais tarde Nordenskiold diz:

" Few scientific discoveries have so powerfully captivated the interest both of the learned and unlearned as that of the colossal remains of elephants, sometimes well preserved with hair and flesh in the frozen soil of Siberia. Such discoveries have more than once formed the object of scientific expeditions and careful researches by eminent men, but there is still much that is enigmatical with respect to a number of circumstances connected with the Mammoth period of Siberia, which perhaps was contemporaneous with our Glacial period. Specially is our knowledge of the animal and vegetable types, which lived at the same time as the mammoth, exceedingly incomplete, although we know that in the northernmost parts of Siberia, which are also most inaccessible from land, there are small hills covered with the bones of the mammoth and other contemporaneous animals . . . ." "Poucas descobertas científicas tão poderosamente cativou o interesse tanto dos sábios e ignorantes como a dos restos colossal dos elefantes, às vezes bem preservado com o cabelo ea carne no solo congelado da Sibéria. Tais descobertas têm mais de uma vez formado o objeto do conhecimento científico expedições e pesquisas cuidadosa por homens eminentes, mas ainda há muito que é enigmático no que diz respeito a uma série de circunstâncias relacionadas com o período de Mammoth da Sibéria, o que talvez foi contemporânea com o nosso período Glacial. Especialmente é o nosso conhecimento dos tipos de animais e vegetais , que viveu no mesmo tempo, como o mamute, extremamente incompleta, embora saibamos que nas partes mais ao norte da Sibéria, que também são mais inacessíveis da terra, existem pequenas colinas cobertas com os ossos dos animais de mamute e outras contemporâneas.. .. "


A little later Nordenskiold sailed for the New Siberian Islands: Um pouco mais tarde Nordenskiold navegou para as ilhas da Nova Sibéria:

" These islands are very remarkable from a scientific point of view, being very rich in the remains of the mammoth and other animals of the same period, which are found in greater abundance among them than on the tundra of the mainland. Some of the sand-banks on their shores are so full of the bones and tusks of the mammoth that the ivory collectors who for a series of years traveled every year from the mainland to the islands in dog-sledges, used to return in autumn when the sea was again covered with ice, with a rich harvest. According to Hedenstrom, the only educated person who has examined these islands in summer, there are besides in the interior hills which are covered with the remains of the mammoth, the rhinoceros, horse, aurochs, bison, sheep, etc." "Essas ilhas são muito notáveis ​​a partir de um ponto de vista científico, sendo muito rica em restos de animais gigantescos e outros do mesmo período, que são encontrados em maior abundância entre eles do que na tundra do continente. Algumas das areias bancos em suas margens estão tão cheios de ossos e dentes do mamute que os coletores de marfim, que por uma série de anos viajou a cada ano a partir do continente para as ilhas no cão-trenós, usado para retornar no outono, quando o mar foi mais uma vez coberta de gelo, com uma rica colheita. De acordo com Hedenstrom, a única pessoa educada que examinou estas ilhas no verão, há além nas montanhas do interior que são cobertos com os restos do mamute, o rinoceronte, cavalo, auroque, bison , ovelhas, etc "

Special collections were made by Nordenskiold of specimens that would aid him in determining what he admitted was a " difficult problem ": how it was possible for the progenitors of the Indian elephant to live in the ice deserts of Siberia. Coleções especiais foram feitas por Nordenskiold de espécimes que poderiam ajudá-lo na determinação do que ele admitiu foi um "problema difícil": como era possível que os progenitores do elefante indiano a viver nos desertos de gelo da Sibéria.

Yes the problem is difficult when you do not know all the facts, but when we know that the mammoth still lives in the interior, then we can easily understand the situation. Sim, o problema é difícil quando você não conhecer todos os fatos, mas quando se sabe que o mamute ainda vive no interior, então podemos facilmente compreender a situação.

Perhaps the reader says, " But you have not actually proved that yet." Talvez o leitor diz: "Mas você não tem realmente provou que ainda". But let the reader wait until all the evidence is in. We wish to put the matter beyond the shadow of a doubt, and so we call upon every witness who has seen these remains, but we shall leave the most remarkable case until the last. Mas que o leitor espere até que todas as provas está dentro Queremos colocar o assunto sem sombra de dúvida, e assim conclamamos toda testemunha que tenha visto esses restos, mas vamos deixar o caso mais notável, até o último.


In Edwin S. Grew's " The Romance of Modern Geology " we read of the finding of mammoth remains in France including a tusk which is carved with a rough but clever picture of a mammoth. Em Edwin S. Grew 's "O Romance da Geologia Moderna", lemos sobre a descoberta de restos de mamute na França, incluindo uma presa que é esculpido com uma imagem aproximada, mas inteligente de um mamute. That proves that the animal still existed on the outer surface of the earth when mankind had come upon the scene. Isso prova que o animal ainda existia na superfície externa da terra, quando a humanidade tinha caído sobre a cena. Mr. Grew also confirms the facts we have told above of the finding of the complete mammoth in the ice by the Russian fisherman in Siberia. Mr. Cresceu também confirma os fatos que temos dito acima da descoberta do mamute completa no gelo pelo pescador russo na Sibéria. He adds that Mr. Adams of the St. Petersburg Museum was sent by the Czar to examine the carcass and found it in a still fresh condition. Ele acrescenta que o Sr. Adams do Museu de São Petersburgo foi enviado pelo Czar para examinar o cadáver e encontrou-o em uma condição ainda fresca.

He tells us that: Ele nos diz que:

" The Yakuts of the neighborhood had cut off the flesh, with which they had fed their dogs; wild beasts, such as white bears, wolves, wolverines, and foxes had also fed upon it, and traces of their footsteps were seen around. The skeleton almost cleared of flesh, remained whole, with the exception of one foreleg. The spine of the back, one scapula, the pelvis, and other three limbs were still held together by the ligaments and by parts of the skin; the other scapula was found not far off. The head was covered with a dry skin; one of the ears was furnished with a tuft of hairs; the balls of the eyes were still distinguishable; the brain still occupied the cranium but seemed dried up; the point of the lower lip had been gnawed and the upper lip had been distroyed so as to expose the teeth; the neck was furnished with a long flowing mane; the skin, of a dark-grey color, covered with black hairs and a reddish wool, was so heavy that ten persons found great difficulty in transporting it to shore. "O Yakuts do bairro havia cortado a carne, com o qual eles tinham alimentado os seus cães;. Animais selvagens, como os ursos brancos, lobos, texugos, raposas e também alimentados sobre ele, e vestígios de seus passos eram vistos em torno de A esqueleto quase limpos de carne, permaneceu todo, com exceção de um foreleg A espinha das costas, uma escápula, pelve, e outros três membros ainda eram mantidos juntos por ligamentos e partes da pele;. escápula outro era . encontrada não muito longe A cabeça estava coberta por uma pele seca, uma das orelhas foi decorado com um tufo de pêlos; as bolas dos olhos ainda eram distinguíveis, o cérebro ainda ocupava o crânio, mas parecia secou, ​​a ponto de o lábio inferior tinha sido roído eo lábio superior foram distroyed de modo a expor os dentes, o pescoço estava equipado com uma longa juba fluindo; a pele, de cor cinza-escuro, coberto de pêlos pretos e uma lã avermelhada, foi tão pesados ​​que dez pessoas que se encontram grande dificuldade em transportá-lo até a costa.

THE CARCASS OF THE MAMMOTH A carcaça do mamute

" There was collected, according to Mr. Adams, more than thirty-six pounds weight of hair and wool which the white bears had trod into the ground while devouring the flesh. This mammoth was a male, so fat and well fed, according to the assertion of the Tungusian chief, that its belly hung down below the joints of its knees. Its tusks were nine feet, six inches in length, measured along the curve, and its head without the tusks weighed four hundred and fourteen pounds avoirdupois." "Não foi coletado, segundo o Sr. Adams, mais de 36 quilos de peso do cabelo e da lã, que os ursos brancos tinham pisado no chão, enquanto devorava a carne. Este mamute era um macho, alimentado tão gordo e bem, de acordo com a afirmação do chefe Tungusian, que a sua barriga pendurada abaixo as articulações dos joelhos. Seus dentes eram nove pés, seis polegadas de comprimento, medido ao longo da curva, e sua cabeça sem as presas pesava 414 £ avoirdupois ".

But Mr. Grew has something even more remarkable than this corroborative testimony to tell us, and we shall quote other writers to confirm him. Cresceu mas o Sr. tem algo ainda mais notável do que este testemunho comprobatória para nos dizer, e vamos citar outros escritores para confirmá-lo. He goes on in this same book to tell of: Ele prossegue neste mesmo livro para contar:

" A very curious example of the Siberian Mammoth was discovered only a few years ago by a Lamut of one of the Arctic Villages, and through the energy of Dr. Herz was eventually removed in - "Um exemplo muito curioso da Siberian Mammoth foi descoberta apenas alguns anos atrás por um Lamut de uma das Aldeias do Ártico, e através da energia do Dr. Herz foi finalmente removido em -
pieces to St. Petersburg. peças para St. Petersburg. . . . . . . . . . . It was sunk in frozen ground, and this cold storage treatment had preserved it in an extraordinary manner. Ele foi afundado no solo congelado, e este tratamento, armazenamento frio tinha preservado de maneira extraordinária. If the Siberian natives who had discovered it partially buried in alluvial deposit had not uncovered it, so that the sun was able to play on the carcass and produce decay, this wonderful primeval monster might almost have been got out whole. Se os nativos da Sibéria que tinha descoberto que parcialmente enterrados em depósitos aluviais não tinha descoberto, de modo que o sol era capaz de jogar na carcaça e produzir decadência, esse monstro maravilhoso primitiva quase poderiam ter sido saiu todo. As it was, the frozen ground had so kept the remains that Dr. Herz had found well-preserved fragments of food between the teeth, and the remains of a hearty meal in the stomach. Como era, o solo congelado que tão manteve os restos que o Dr. Herz tinha encontrado fragmentos bem preservados de comida entre os dentes, e os restos de uma refeição saudável no estômago. There is no doubt that the Mammoth fell into the crevice or pit and damaged himself so much in the fall that he could not crawl out . Não há dúvida de que a Mammoth caiu na fenda ou poço e danificou-se tanto no outono que não podia rastejar para fora. . . . . . . . . ." . "


The reader will notice that Mr. Grew refers to this mammoth as a " primeval " monster. O leitor vai notar que o Sr. Grew se refere a este mamute como um monstro "primitiva". And that is an example of the sort of thinking that has set all the scientists wrong on these questions regarding the polar regiorz. E isso é um exemplo do tipo de pensamento que criou todos os cientistas errado sobre estas questões em relação à regiorz polar. Instead of studying the actual facts as we have done in this book they come to the facts with certain fixed ideas in their heads, and they can only undertsand as many of the facts as fit into their ideas. Em vez de estudar os fatos reais como fizemos neste livro eles vêm para os fatos com certas idéias fixas em suas cabeças, e eles só podem undertsand como muitos dos fatos como se encaixam em suas idéias. Everything else they pass by as being of no importance. Tudo que eles passam como sendo de nenhuma importância. The reader will see that Mr. Grew has read in his previous studies that the mammoth was a primeval animal- which is true enough as far as it goes. O leitor verá que o Sr. Grew leu em seus estudos anteriores de que o mamute era um animal primitivo, que é verdadeiro o suficiente, tanto quanto ele vai. It was a very early animal, and in all the outer world is now extinct. Era um animal muito precoce, e em todo o mundo exterior é agora extinto. But when he hears of a perfectly fresh carcass being discovered, it never occurs to Mr. Grew-nor to Dr. Herz nor to Nordenskiold nor to any other explorer, to think anything else than what he has always thought. Mas quando ele ouve de uma carcaça perfeitamente fresco sendo descobertos, isso nunca ocorre com o Sr. Grew, nem o Dr. Herz nem Nordenskiold nem para qualquer outro explorador, para pensar qualquer outra coisa do que aquilo que ele sempre pensou. They still think of the animal as extinct although its fresh carcass is before them, and they try to explain the fresh-ness of the carcass by saying that it was preserved by the ice. Eles ainda pensam em como o animal extinto, embora sua carcaça fresca é, antes deles, e eles tentam explicar a frescura da carcaça, dizendo que foi preservada pelo gelo.


But the mammoth and mastodon are inhabitants, as we have seen, of warm climates, and if the animal we have just read about fell into that crevice when he and his fellows still roamed on what must then have been the much warmer climate of Siberia than the present one, it follows that it was many years before the ice came and froze the animal in its grave. Mas o mamute eo mastodonte são habitantes, como vimos, de climas quentes, e se o animal que acabamos de ler sobre caiu na fenda que quando ele e seus companheiros ainda vagavam sobre o que deve, então, ter sido o clima muito mais quente do que da Sibéria o presente, segue-se que foi muitos anos antes que o gelo veio e congelou o animal em seu túmulo.

We claim, it will be seen, that if these animals lived in a certain climate-whatever the climate of Siberia happened to be in the days when scientists claim that the mammoth lived- either one of two things must have happened. Afirmamos, será visto, que, se esses animais viviam em um certo clima seja qual for o clima da Sibéria passou a ser nos dias em que cientistas afirmam que o mamute viveu-uma das duas coisas deve ter acontecido. If the climate gradually grew colder they would be driven off by the inclemency of the change. Se o clima cresceu gradualmente mais frio eles seriam expulsos pela inclemência da mudança. If it did not change they would be living in Siberia still. Se ele não mudar eles estariam vivendo na Sibéria ainda. But there are no mammoths in Siberia now. Mas não há mamutes na Sibéria agora. So they were driven somewhere by the growing cold. Então eles foram levados em algum lugar pelo frio crescente. We claim that they took refuge in the interior of the earth-from whence, for all science can prove to the contrary, they may have come in the first place. Afirmamos que se refugiaram no interior da terra, de onde, por toda a ciência pode provar o contrário, eles podem ter chegado em primeiro lugar. We further claim that the fresh remains of their bodies which have been found in Siberia are those of mammoths which in their wanderings came a little further south than usual-for the climate around the polar openings would be quite warm enough for them, and that these animals fell in to ice crevasses in places from which they were carried to the present situations by the movements of the ice-by those great glaciers which have from time to time been referred to in accounts of Greenland. Nós alegam ainda que os restos de seus corpos frescos que foram encontrados na Sibéria são as de mamutes, que em suas andanças veio um pouco mais ao sul do que o usual para o clima em torno das aberturas polares seria muito quente o suficiente para eles, e que estes animais caíram em fendas de gelo em lugares de onde foram transportados para as situações actuais pelos movimentos do gelo por aquelas grandes geleiras que de tempos em tempos foi referido nas contas da Groenlândia.

SUPPOSING THEY WERE A MILLION YEARS OLD Supondo que eles eram um milhão de anos

For consider the alternative supposition. Para considerar a suposição alternativa. Suppose the mammoth referred to above had really fallen into a pit or water hole a million or so years ago. Suponha que o mamute acima referidos realmente tinha caído em um buraco ou poço de água de um milhão ou mais anos atrás. Suppose that almost immediately afterwards the climate became so cold that the body was frozen in; and climate never does change so quickly. Suponha-se que quase imediatamente depois, o clima tornou-se tão frio que o corpo foi congelado em; e clima não muda tão rapidamente. Even in that short interval the food in the stomach and between the teeth would have decomposed. Mesmo neste curto intervalo de tempo a comida no estômago e entre os dentes teria decomposto. Food begins to break up the minute it reaches the stomach and is acted on by the gastric juice. Alimentos começa a quebrar no minuto em que atinge o estômago e é acionado pelo suco gástrico. The heat and moisture of the mouth is such that all food not washed away from the teeth immediately after eating begins to decompose. O calor ea umidade da boca é tal que nem todos os alimentos lavados dos dentes imediatamente depois de comer começa a se decompor. It would not take a pretentiously educated scientist or veteran Arctic explorer, it would take no more scientifically equipped man than any dentist to tell that when a carcass is found frozen with fresh food between its teeth, that carcass was frozen either immediately after death or even frozen to death. Não seria preciso um cientista pretensiosamente educado ou veterano explorador do Ártico, que levaria ninguém mais cientificamente equipado do que qualquer dentista para dizer que quando uma carcaça é encontrado congelado com alimentos frescos entre os dentes, aquela carcaça foi congelada imediatamente após a morte ou até mesmo congelados até a morte.


No, there is no getting away from the fact that the mammoth was alive after the ice was formed, and in some manner fell into a crevasse and was frozen. Não, não há como fugir do fato de que o mamute estava vivo após o gelo foi formado, e de alguma forma caiu em uma fenda e foi congelado. And the only place the mammoth could come from to meet such a fate is the interior of the earth, because the interior of the earth and possibly all the land around the polar lips is the only climate in the north where he could survive. E o único lugar do mamute poderia vir de encontro a esse destino é o interior da terra, porque o interior da Terra e, possivelmente, toda a terra ao redor dos lábios é o clima polar apenas no norte, onde ele pudesse sobreviver. When the Siberian climate became cold the means of escape to the south was shut off. Quando o clima frio da Sibéria se tornou o meio de fuga para o sul foi cortada. If it had not been, the mammoth might have migrated south and been alive in the warmer regions today. Se não tivesse sido, o mamute pode ter migrado para o sul e estivesse vivo nas regiões mais quentes de hoje. But we have seen that the ross-gull and other birds as well as the foxes and bears go north when the winter sets in, and the mammoth either came from the interior of the earth in the first place or else he sought it for a refuge when the Siberian wilds became too cold for him. Mas vimos que o ross-gaivota e outras aves, assim como as raposas e ursos vá para o norte quando o inverno se ajusta dentro, eo mamute ou vieram do interior da terra em primeiro lugar, ou então ele procurou-o para um refúgio quando o wilds siberiana tornou-se demasiado frio para ele.

OTHER DISCOVERIES Outras descobertas

Apart from that there is no explanation of these remains at all. Para além de que não há uma explicação destes permanece em todos. R. Lyddeker, a British biologist, writing in Knowledge for 1892 says: " Along the borders of the Arctic Ocean for hundreds of miles mammoth remains are met with in increditable quantities; and it is still one of the puzzles of geology to account adequately and satisfactorily for the manner in which these creatures perished, and how their bodies were buried beneath the frozen soil before decomposition had begun its work, for it is hardly possible to believe that they lived in a climate so rigorous that their bodies would have been frozen on the ground immediately after death.” R. Lyddeker, um biólogo britânico, escrevendo em Conhecimento para 1892 diz: "Ao longo das bordas do Oceano Ártico por centenas de quilômetros restos de mamutes estão satisfeitos com increditable em quantidades, e ainda é um dos enigmas da geologia para a conta de forma adequada e satisfatoriamente para a maneira pela qual essas criaturas pereceram, e como seus corpos foram enterrados sob o solo congelado antes de decomposição tinha começado o seu trabalho, pois é quase impossível acreditar que eles viviam em um clima tão rigoroso que seus corpos teriam sido congelada no o solo imediatamente após a morte. "


The same writer in Knowledge for 1892, tells of the many discoveries of mammoth flesh in fresh condition and mentions that the natives of Siberia as well as their dogs have eaten of the flesh-another striking proof of its freshness. O mesmo escritor em Conhecimento para 1892, conta a história de muitas descobertas de carne de mamute em estado fresco e menciona que os nativos da Sibéria, bem como os seus cães comeram a carne da prova, outro notável de seu frescor. But perhaps the most remarkable testimony of this sort is the fact that an actual banquet has been served from the flesh of this supposedly extinct animal. Mas talvez o testemunho mais notável deste tipo é o fato de que um banquete real foi servido a partir da carne deste animal supostamente extinto. Readers may remember the newspaper reports of that banquet, several years ago, in Petrograd, at which the flesh of the mammoth, wheat from Egyptian tombs, and other preserved products from the remains of Pompeii and Hercu-laneum were among the items served, the idea being to serve only those things which were thousands of years old. Os leitores podem lembrar o jornal desse banquete, há vários anos, em Petrogrado, na qual a carne do trigo, de mamute de tumbas egípcias, e outros produtos conservados a partir de restos de Pompéia e Hercu-laneum estavam entre os itens servidos, o idéia de servir apenas pelas coisas que estavam milhares de anos. Unfortunately, the scientists had not gone into the history of the mammoth as profoundly as they might, or they would have seen the inconsis-tencies in their theories which we have pointed out above. Infelizmente, os cientistas não tinham ido para a história do mamute tão profundamente como poderiam, ou que teria visto a inconsistência tências em suas teorias que temos apontado acima. And then they would have had to omit the mammoth steak, or at least admit that it was not as old as the other viands they served at this scientific banquet. E então eles teriam que omitir o bife de mamute, ou pelo menos admitir que não era tão antiga quanto a outras iguarias que serviu a este banquete científica.

But perhaps the reader is not willing to see a whole argument based on what he may consider the one isolated example of a mammoth found with fresh food between its teeth. Mas talvez o leitor não está disposto a ver um argumento todo baseado no que ele pode considerar o exemplo um isolado de um mamute encontrado com alimentos frescos entre os dentes. He may say one witness is not enough in an important case like this. Ele pode dizer uma testemunha não é suficiente em um caso importante como este. Very well; let us cite another witness. Muito bem, vamos citar uma outra testemunha. In June, 1894, Dr. Stephen Bower, ohe of the foremost American geologists, contributed a long article on extinct animals to the Scientific American Supplement. Em junho de 1894, Dr. Stephen Bower, ohe dos geólogos americanos acima de tudo, contribuiu com um longo artigo sobre animais extintos para o Suplemento Scientific American. Of course, like other scientists, he thought that the mammoth was extinct, but he knew that its flesh had been eaten by man-in fact his reference to that fact may be caused by his knowledge of the banquet at Petrograd to which we have referred above. Claro que, como outros cientistas, ele pensou que o mamute foi extinto, mas ele sabia que sua carne tinha sido comido pelo homem-de fato sua referência a este fato pode ser causado por seu conhecimento do banquete em Petrogrado a que nos referimos acima. In any case he begins his remarks about the mammoth as follows: Em qualquer caso, ele começa suas observações sobre o mamute da seguinte forma:
" While the monsters we have described perished many ages before man appeared on the earth, and have never been seen by him alive, the monster of which we are now about to write has been seen by man and its flesh eaten by him. That, however, was after it had been entombed for untold ages in the ice of Arctic regions. The remains of the mammoth are widely diffused over the earth. They have been found in great abundance not only in North America, but also in the frozen regions of Siberia, and indeed all over Asiatic Russia .... As far back as the tenth century an active trade has been carried on in fossil ivory. It is estimated that during the past two centuries more than two hundred pairs of fossil tusks have come into the market annually, and the localities where found are far from being exhausted. After more than forty thousand pairs have been obtained from northern regions the traveler finds them increasing as he approaches toward the north pole. It is said that the soil of Bear Island and Liachoff Island, New Siberia, consists of sand and ice with such quantities of Mammoth remains that they appear as if they were made up of bones and tusks." "Enquanto os monstros que descrevemos pereceram muitas eras antes do homem apareceu sobre a terra, e nunca foram vistos por ele vivo, o monstro de que estamos agora prestes a escrever tem sido visto pelo homem e sua carne consumida por ele. Isso, no entanto, foi depois de ter sido enterrado há séculos incontáveis ​​no gelo do Ártico. Os restos do mamute são amplamente difundida sobre a terra. Eles foram encontrados em grande abundância, não só na América do Norte, mas também nas regiões de congelados Sibéria, e na verdade todo Rússia asiática .... Já em décimo século um comércio ativo tem sido exercida de marfim fóssil. Estima-se que durante os últimos dois séculos mais de 200 pares de dentes fósseis tenha entrado em no mercado anualmente, e as localidades onde encontrou estão longe de ser esgotado. Depois de mais de 40 mil pares foram obtidos a partir de regiões do norte o viajante encontra-los aumentando à medida que se aproxima em direção ao pólo norte. Diz-se que o solo da Ilha do Urso e Liachoff Island, Nova Sibéria, é composto por areia e gelo com uma tal quantidade de Mammoth é que eles aparecem como se fossem feito de ossos e dentes. "

Let us break off just a moment to remind the reader how the above corroborates what we have said as to the greater frequency of life and the remains of life as we approach the north polar regions-even the mammoth bones tell the same tale as the gulls and foxes and bears. Vamos quebrar um momento para lembrar ao leitor como o acima corrobora o que dissemos quanto à maior freqüência de vida e os restos da vida que nos aproximamos do norte polar regiões, até mesmo os ossos de mamute dizer o mesmo conto como as gaivotas e raposas e ursos.

Dr. Powers then proceeds to verify once again the facts we have already heard of: " But not only have the fossil remains of the Mammoth been found all over the Arctic lands as far as man has penetrated, but their bodies, as we have intimated, have been found intact, frozen and preserved in the ice. In the year 1800, the entire body of a mammoth was discovered in a vast stratum of ice on the banks of the river Lena. Afterwards it became disengaged from its icy matrix and white bears, wolves, foxes and dogs fed off its flesh. It was a male and had a long mane on its neck." Dr. Powers então passa a verificar mais uma vez os fatos que já ouviu falar: "Mas não só os restos fósseis do mamute foi encontrada em todo o terras do Ártico, tanto quanto o homem penetrou, mas seus corpos, como já insinuou , foram encontrados intactos, congelados e preservados no gelo. No ano 1800, todo o corpo de um mamute foi descoberto em uma camada imensa de gelo às margens do rio Lena. Posteriormente, tornou-se desvinculado da sua matriz de gelo e branco ursos, lobos, raposas e cães alimentados fora de sua carne. Era um macho e tinha uma longa juba em seu pescoço. "


And Dr. Bowers gives once more the details which we already know. Dr. Bowers e dá mais uma vez, os detalhes que já sabemos. He goes on, however, to tell of another instance which other writers have also mentioned: " A young Russian engineer, named Benkendorf, in the employ of his government, ascended the Indigirka in a steamer in 1846. The season was unusually warm for Siberia, and the country was flooded with water. The stream, which was greatly swollen, cut new channels in many places, melting the ice and frozen soil. In one of these newly cut channels he discovered a mammoth in an upright position, where it had been overwhelmed, probably thousands of years before. As its head and trunk rose and fell with the surging waters he discovered that it was still fastened in the ice and frozen soil by its hind feet. The monster was secured by throwing ropes and chains over its tusks and head, and after its hind feet were released it was safely landed by the aid of more than fifty men and horses. It proved to be of gigantic size, and the whole body was in a fine state of preservation. In its stomach was found the food that had formed its last repast, which consisted of young shoots of the fir and pine, also young fir cones. On the shoulders and along the back grew stiff hairs about a foot long. The hair was dark brown and coarsely rooted. Under the outer hairs there appeared everywhere a soft, warm and thick wool of a fallow brown color." Ele continua, no entanto, para dizer de outra instância que outros escritores também mencionou: "Um jovem engenheiro russo, chamado Benkendorf, a serviço de seu governo, subiu ao Indigirka em um navio a vapor em 1846 A temporada foi excepcionalmente quente para a Sibéria. , eo país foi inundado com água. O fluxo, que estava muito inchado, corte novos canais em muitos lugares, o derretimento do gelo e solo congelado. Em um desses canais recém-cortada, ele descobriu um mamute em posição vertical, onde tinha sido esmagada, provavelmente milhares de anos antes. Como a sua cabeça e tronco subia e descia com as águas subindo, ele descobriu que ainda estava preso no gelo e solo congelado por seus pés traseiros. O monstro foi assegurada por meio de cordas jogando e correntes sobre a sua presas e na cabeça, e depois as patas traseiras foram liberados foi aterre com segurança com a ajuda de mais de cinqüenta homens e cavalos. Ele provou ser de tamanho gigantesco, e todo o corpo estava em um estado multa de preservação. Em seu estômago foi Encontrei a comida que havia se formado o seu repasto última, que consistia de brotos do pinheiro e pinus, também jovens cones de pinheiro. Nos ombros e ao longo das costas cresceram cabelos dura cerca de um pé de comprimento. O cabelo era castanho escuro e grosseiramente enraizada. Sob os cabelos exterior, apareceu em todos os lugares uma lã macia e quente e grosso de uma cor marrom pousio ".

Dr. Bowers can only account for this surprising freshness by supposing that the freezing of the animal was instantaneous, and his own theory is that there was a sudden change in the climate which he puts at about the lateness of what he calls the " Noahian deluge ". Dr. Bowers só pode explicar essa frescura surpreendente por supor que o congelamento do animal foi instantânea, e sua própria teoria é que houve uma mudança brusca no clima que ele coloca em cerca de atraso do que ele chama de "dilúvio Noahian ". But that is very unscientific, as we know now that changes in climate are gradual, and in serious scientific discussions it is not usual to bring in Noah and the biblical account of the deluge. Mas isso é muito pouco científico, como sabemos agora que as mudanças no clima são graduais, e em sérias discussões científicas, não é usual para trazer Noé eo relato bíblico do dilúvio. But in spite of the difficulties, Dr. Bowers makes the most generous acknowledgement of the absolute freshness of this and other specimens found. Mas, apesar das dificuldades, Dr. Bowers torna o reconhecimento mais generoso da frescura absoluta deste e de outros espécimes encontrados. He even says: " Many of the animals, as the mammoth, rhinoceros, etc., remain undecayed. Even the capillary blood vessels still retain their contents, showing that there was not the slightest decomposition or breaking down of the tissues, but the catastrophe which overwhelmed them was sudden." Ele mesmo diz:. "Muitos dos animais, como o mamute, o rinoceronte, etc, continuam a ser degradados Mesmo os vasos capilares ainda mantêm o seu conteúdo, mostrando que não havia a menor decomposição ou quebra dos tecidos, mas a catástrofe que esmagou foi repentina. "

Of the mammoth, therefore, we have the mass of evidence cited to show that the interior of the earth is its habitat. Do mamute, portanto, temos a massa de evidência citada para mostrar que o interior da terra é o seu habitat. The scientists who have not had this theory to work with have confessed that they cannot explain the phenomenon. Os cientistas que não tiveram essa teoria para trabalhar com confessaram que eles não podem explicar o fenômeno. But once supply the link which our theory gives and the whole sequence is complete. Mas uma vez que abastecer o link que dá a nossa teoria e toda a seqüência está completa. The mammoth is wandering today in the interior of the earth. O mamute está vagando hoje no interior da terra. When he ventures too near the polar orifice- it must be remembered that the mammoth and mastodon and elephant are all characterized by a tendency to wander widely- he becomes stranded on a breaking ice floe and carried over from the interior regions, to the outer regions or perhaps falls in a crevasse in ice which afterwards begins to move in some great glacial movement. Quando se arrisca muito perto do orifício-polar deve ser lembrado que o mamute eo mastodonte eo elefante são todos caracterizados por uma tendência a vagar amplamente, ele torna-se encalhado em um bloco de gelo quebrando e transitadas de regiões do interior, para as regiões exteriores ou talvez cair em uma fenda no gelo que depois começa a se mover em alguns grande movimento glacial. In these ways the bodies are carried over to Siberia and left where we have seen them discovered. Nestes modos os corpos são transportados para a Sibéria e para a esquerda, onde temos visto eles descobriram. That such a process has been going on for thousands of years is seen from the abundance of remains. Que tal processo vem ocorrendo há milhares de anos é visto a partir da abundância de restos mortais. Evidently the migratory instinct, which does not change for thousands of years even when the conditions which started it do change, is still working in these animals. Evidentemente o instinto migratório, que não muda há milhares de anos, mesmo quando as condições que começou mudam, ainda está trabalhando nesses animais. And so we have from time to time their silent testimony to the existence and mild climate and vegetation of that interior land which supports them, and which has been giving this and other testimony for so many years without any of our learned scientists as much as once correlating and putting together the evidence- evidence which they alone among us have had the opportunity of collecting but which they collected piece meal, unaware if its importance, puzzled by it, occassionally admitting that they were puzzled, but which they never faced squarely with minds free from preconception. E por isso temos de vez em quando o seu testemunho silencioso para a existência e clima ameno e vegetação de que a terra interior, que os suporta, e que tem vindo a dar testemunho deste e de outros tantos anos sem que nenhum dos nossos cientistas aprenderam tanto quanto uma vez correlacionando e reunir as evidências evidências que por si só entre nós tiveram a oportunidade de recolher, mas que eles coletaram peça refeição, sem saber se a sua importância, intrigado por ele, admitindo que, ocasionalmente, eles ficaram confusos, mas que nunca enfrentaram diretamente com a mente livre de preconceito. But at last all this evidence has been gathered together. Mas enfim toda essa evidência foi reunida. More of it will undoubtedly be forthcoming. Mais do mesmo, sem dúvida, em breve. And, not for the first time in the history of thought, the orthodox scientists will have to admit that they were wrong in their interpretation of the facts of polar research, and that there is really something new to be found out. E não, pela primeira vez na história do pensamento, os cientistas ortodoxos terão que admitir que eles estavam errados em sua interpretação dos fatos da investigação polar, e que há realmente algo novo a ser descoberto.


We have referred to the eating of mammoth flesh by scientists and their guests at a banquet, and this evidence of the freshness of the meat of the animal is so remarkable that our readers may well wish to know all the details. Nós nos referimos ao consumo de carne de mamute por cientistas e seus convidados em um banquete, e esta evidência da frescura da carne do animal é tão notável que nossos leitores podem muito bem querer saber todos os detalhes. As a matter of fact the eating of mammoth flesh by human beings has occurred more than once according to recent reports in news-papers, and, of course, there may be hundreds of cases among the Eskimos or inhabitants of Siberia where some of the carcasses have been found in a fresh condition. Por uma questão de fato, o consumo de carne de mamute pelos seres humanos tenha ocorrido mais de uma vez de acordo com relatórios recentes em jornais, e, claro, pode haver centenas de casos entre os esquimós ou habitantes da Sibéria, onde algumas das carcaças foram encontrados em uma condição nova.

The most talked about mammoth banquet was that given by Professor Herz, of the Imperial Academy of Science of St. Petersburg- as it was then- who had been leader of the expedition into Siberia which unearthed and transported the mammoth in question to the Imperial Museum. O mais falado banquete mamute foi que, dada pelo professor Herz, da Academia Imperial de Ciências de St. Petersburg-como foi então que tinha sido líder da expedição para a Sibéria, que desenterraram e transportado o mamute em questão para o Museu Imperial . Only the bones and the skin were needed for mounting in the mu-seum, and as the professor had kept the whole carcass in cold storage it suddenly occurred to him that it would be quite possible to eat the flesh. Apenas os ossos ea pele eram necessários para a montagem no mu-seum, e como o professor mantinha toda a carcaça em câmara fria, de repente, lhe ocorreu que seria perfeitamente possível comer a carne. Of course he was under the impression that this flesh was over 20,000 years old, an idea which we have already shown to be quite wrong, and he asked scientists in other parts of the world to contribute other ancient foods-such as corn dug up from the ruins of Egyptian cities. É claro que ele estava sob a impressão de que esta carne foi mais de 20.000 anos, uma idéia que já demonstraram ser completamente errado, e ele pediu aos cientistas em outras partes do mundo para contribuir outros alimentos, tais como o milho antigo desenterrado de as ruínas das cidades egípcias. As the mammoth flesh was not old at all we need not speak of the other and older items of this feast. Como a carne de mamute não era velho em tudo o que não precisa falar dos outros itens e mais velhos desta festa. What does concern us is what the guests thought of the meat. O que nos diz respeito é o que os convidados pensamento da carne. But the account of the banquet says that the banquet was a triumph: " particularly the course of mammoth steak, which all the learned guests declared was agreeable to the taste, and not much tougher than some of the sirloin furnished by butchers of today." Mas a conta do banquete diz que o banquete foi um triunfo: ". Particularmente o curso de bife de mamute, que todos os convidados aprenderam declarado era agradável ao paladar, e não muito mais difícil do que alguns dos sirloin fornecidas por açougueiros de hoje"

Another mammoth meal was eaten by an American traveler and author, Mr. James Oliver Curwood, who was exploring in the far north when his Eskimo fellow travelers found "the body of a mammoth exposed by the falling of a cliff-side. Before quoting Mr. Curwood we should like to point out how little the scientists really know about such matters by contrasting what he gives as the animal's age with what Professor Herz gave. Herz put it at 20,000 years; Curwood, quoted in The Chicago Tribune for July 7th, 1912, puts it at 50,000 to 100,000 years. As we have already shown, Herz is nearer the truth than Curwood. But at that he is about 20,000 years wrong. However, here is what Mr. Curwood has to say: Outra refeição mamute foi comido por um viajante e escritor americano, Mr. James Oliver Curwood, que estava explorando no extremo norte, quando seus companheiros de viagem Eskimo encontrado "o corpo de um mamute expostos pela queda de um penhasco-lado. Antes de citar o Sr. . Curwood gostaríamos de ressaltar o quão pouco os cientistas realmente sabem sobre tais assuntos, contrastando o que ele dá a idade do animal com o Professor Herz deu Herz colocá-lo em 20 mil anos;. Curwood, citado em The Chicago Tribune de 07 de julho, 1912, coloca-o em 50.000 a 100.000 anos Como já demonstrado, Herz está mais perto da verdade do que Curwood Mas, ao que ele é cerca de 20.000 anos errado No entanto, aqui é o que o Sr. Curwood tem a dizer...:


" The flesh was of a deep red or mahogony color, and I dined on a steak an inch and a half thick .... The flavor of the meat was old- not unpleasan- but simply old and dry. That it had lost none of its life-sustaining elements was shown by the fact that the dogs throve upon it." "A carne era de um vermelho escuro ou cor mogno, e eu jantamos um bife em uma polegada de espessura e um meia .... O sabor da carne era velho não unpleasan-mas nenhum simplesmente velho e seco. Que tinha perdido de sua vida-sustentação elementos foi demonstrado pelo fato de que os cães vicejou em cima dele. "

What Mr. Curwood calls an old flavor- really there could be no such thing any more than there could be a yellow or a blue flavor- is simply the strong flavor due to the character of the animal. O que o Sr. Curwood chama um velho sabor realmente não poderia haver tal coisa mais do que poderia haver um amarelo ou um azul sabor é simplesmente o sabor forte devido ao caráter do animal. Anyone who has eaten bear steak or even venison and contrasted the flavor with beef or mutton will know just what Mr. Curwood is really trying to say. Qualquer um que tenha comido bife de suportar ou até mesmo carne de veado e contrastou com o sabor de carne ou carneiro vai saber exatamente o que o Sr. Curwood é realmente tentando dizer.

But there is on record of at least one more mammoth banquet, this time given by Gabrielle D'Annunzio from the flesh of another mammoth, the bones of which repose in a Paris Museum. Mas há no registro de pelo menos um banquete mais mamute, desta vez dada por Gabrielle D'Annunzio da carne de outro mamute, os ossos do que repousam em um Museu de Paris. Here is part of the story as cabled to the Chicago Examiner some years ago: Aqui está parte da história como cabo para o Examiner Chicago há alguns anos:

" Paris, Jan. 31- Meat between forty and fifty thousand years old was the star dish at a banquet given by Gabriele D'Annunzio, the Italian dramatist and poet, at the Hotel Carlton last evening. "Paris, 31 de janeiro - Meat entre quarenta e cinqüenta mil anos de idade foi o prato da estrela em um banquete dado por Gabriele D'Annunzio, o dramaturgo e poeta italiano, no Carlton Hotel noite passada.

" D'Annunzio obtained the flesh from Russia where it was cut from the carcass of a mammoth which was dug out of the ice around the Liakoff Islands, north of Siberia, by Count Stembock Fermer. The count has presented the pachydern to the Paris Museum of Natural History, where it is about to be exhibited. "D'Annunzio obtidos a carne da Rússia, onde ele foi cortado da carcaça de um mamute, que foi escavado para fora do gelo em torno das Ilhas Liakoff, ao norte da Sibéria, pelo Conde Stembock Fermer. A contagem apresentou o pachydern ao Museu de Paris de História Natural, onde ele está prestes a ser exibido.

" The body embedded in the eternal ice was in perfect condition, at the time of its discovery, a large quantity of the flesh was kept in cold storage and shipped to St. Petersburg. "O corpo embutido no gelo eterno estava em perfeitas condições, no momento de sua descoberta, uma grande quantidade de carne foi mantida em câmara fria e enviados a São Petersburgo.

" This fifty thousand year old frozen meat is being treasured in Russia, but after repeated efforts, D'Annunzio, through influential friends, succeeded in obtaining several pounds of this rare food-stuff. "Esta carne 50.000 anos de idade congelados está sendo estimado na Rússia, mas depois de repetidos esforços, D'Annunzio, através de amigos influentes, conseguiu obter vários quilos de alimentos este raro material.


" Yesterday's sensational dinner was preliminary to the competition for the Fontenoy Cup, awarded by the French Greyhound Club, of which the poet is one of the most enthusiastic members. His guests were five fellow members of the club and covers were also laid for the favorite hounds of the guests. Describing the banquet afterward to the Examiner correspondent, D'Annunzio said: "Jantar sensacional de ontem foi preliminar para o concurso para a Copa do Fontenoy, concedido pelo Clube Greyhound francês, do qual o poeta é um dos membros mais entusiastas. Seus convidados foram cinco outros membros do clube e cobre também foram colocadas para o favorito . hounds dos convidados Descrevendo o banquete depois ao correspondente Examiner, D'Annunzio, disse:

" `It was the most successful dinner I ever gave. The elephant meat exceeded my highest expectations. In flavor it was like tortoise flesh, but it was, well-a little tough . . . . . . I had it broiled and served with six different kinds of sauce.' "` Foi o jantar mais bem sucedidos que eu já dei. A carne de elefante superou as minhas mais altas expectativas. No sabor era como carne de tartaruga, mas era, bem um pouco difícil...... Eu tinha grelhado e servido com seis tipos diferentes de molho. " " "

Of course the reader will notice that D'Annunzio like everyone else thinks the mammoth flesh was much older than it is- in this case forty thousand years is mentioned as a possible age as well as fifty thousand. Claro que o leitor perceberá que D'Annunzio, como todo mundo pensa que a carne de mamute era muito mais velho do que é, neste caso 40 mil anos é mencionado como um possível idade, bem como 50 mil. Now what do the scientists mean by saying a thing is forty thousand years old, then fifty thousand, and then a hundred thousand years? Agora, o que significa que os cientistas dizendo uma coisa é 40.000 anos de idade, em seguida, 50 mil, e depois de cem mil anos? Does not that mean that the whole thing is a guess? Isso não significa que a coisa toda é um palpite? Otherwise, the man who said it was forty thousand years old would have some reason for that estimate and that reason ought to convince the man who says it is fifty thousand years and him who says 100,000 years. Caso contrário, o homem que disse que era 40 mil anos de idade teria alguma razão para que a estimativa e que a razão deve convencer o homem que diz que é 50 mil anos e ele diz que 100 mil anos. Or else the 100,000 year old theory ought to convince the other fellows. Ou então a teoria de 100.000 anos de idade deve convencer os outros companheiros. Some of them, at least, ought to have some actual evidence on which to base their figures. Alguns deles, pelo menos, deveria ter alguma evidência real sobre a qual basear suas figuras. But as there is no evidence at all, we find guesses all the way from 20,000 to 100,000 years for the age of the mammoth and we find nothing except these guesses, not a single cogent argument. Mas como não há nenhuma evidência em tudo, encontramos palpites todo o caminho de 20.000 a 100.000 anos para a idade do mamute e achamos nada, exceto essas suposições, e não um único argumento convincente. That being the case, it ought to be obvious that a theory such as ours, which explains the actual facts of the case, must supplant. Sendo esse o caso, deveria ser óbvio que uma teoria como a nossa, o que explica os fatos reais do caso, deve suplantar. these wild guesses. essas suposições selvagens. The reason the scientists who say 20,000 or 50,000 or 100,000 years cannot agree is that none of them is right. A razão pela qual os cientistas que dizem que 20.000 ou 50.000 ou 100.000 anos, não posso concordar é que nenhum deles está certo. If any one of them were right he would be able to convince the others by some actual proof or argument. Se qualquer um deles estava certo que ele seria capaz de convencer os outros de alguma prova real ou argumento. But as all are wrong-almost equally wrong, one might say, although their errors differ by a few thousand years- no one man can convince the other. Mas como todos estão errados, quase igualmente errado, pode-se dizer, apesar de seus erros diferem por alguns milhares de anos, ninguém se pode convencer o outro. Our own pointing out of the actual facts in the case at once clears away the fog. Nossa própria apontando os fatos reais, no caso de uma só vez dissipa a névoa.

The book Smokey God on the Mammoth: O livro Smokey Deus no Mammoth:

On the northern boundaries of Alaska, and still more frequently on Siberian coast, are found bone-yards containing tusks of ivory in quantities so great as to suggest the burying-places of antiquity, From Olaf Jansen's account, they have come from the great prolific animal life that abounds in the fields and forests and on the banks of numerous rivers of the Inner World. Sobre as fronteiras do norte do Alaska, e ainda com mais frequência na costa da Sibéria, são encontrados ossos de metros contendo as presas de marfim em quantidades tão grandes a ponto de sugerir a enterrar-lugares da antiguidade, de conta de Olaf Jansen, eles vieram do prolífico grande vida animal que abunda nos campos e florestas e nas margens dos rios numerosos do Mundo Interior. The materials were caught in the ocean currents, or carried on ice-floes, and have accumulated like driftwood on the Siberian coast. Os materiais foram apanhados nas correntes oceânicas, ou transportados em gelo blocos, e tem acumulado como troncos, na costa da Sibéria. This has been going on for ages, and hence these mysterious bone-yards. Isso tem acontecido por idades e, portanto, essas misteriosas osso metros. On this subject William F. Warren, in his book already cited, pages 297 and 298, says: "The Arctic rocks tell of a lost Atlantis more wonderful than Plato's. The fossil ivory beds of Siberia excel everything of the kind in the world. From the days of Pliny, at least, they have constantly been undergoing exploitation, and still they are the chief headquarters of supply. The remains of mammoths are so abundant that, as Gratacap says, 'the northern islands of Siberia seem built up of crowded bones.' Sobre este assunto William F. Warren, em seu livro já citado, páginas 297 e 298, diz:. "As rochas Arctic falam de uma Atlântida perdida mais maravilhoso do que Platão As camas de marfim fóssil da Sibéria tudo excel do tipo no mundo. Desde os dias de Plínio, pelo menos, eles têm sido constantemente submetidos a exploração, e ainda são a sede principal de fornecimento. Os restos de mamutes são tão abundantes que, como Gratacap diz, "as ilhas do norte da Sibéria parece construída de aglomerado ossos. " Another scientific writer, speaking of the islands of New Siberia, northward of the mouth of the River Lena, uses this language: 'Large quantities of ivory are dug out of the ground every year. Indeed, some of the islands are believed to be nothing but an accumulation of drift-timber and the bodies of mammoths and other antediluvian animals frozen together.' Outro escritor científico, falando sobre as ilhas de Nova Sibéria, o norte da foz do rio Lena, usa esta linguagem:. 'Grandes quantidades de marfim são escavados fora da terra a cada ano De fato, algumas das ilhas são acreditados para ser nada mas uma acumulação de drift de madeira e os corpos de mamutes e outros animais antediluvianos congelados juntos. " From this we may infer that, during the years that have elapsed since the Russian conquest of Siberia, useful tusks from more than twenty thousand mammoths have been collected." A partir daí podemos inferir que, durante os anos que se passaram desde a conquista da Sibéria russa, presas útil de mais de 20.000 mamutes foram coletados. " But now for the story of Olaf Jansen. Mas agora para a história de Olaf Jansen. I give it in detail, as set down by himself in manuscript, and woven into the tale, just as he placed them are certain quotations from recent works on Arctic exploration, showing how carefully the old Norseman compared with his own experiences those of other voyagers to the frozen North. Dou-lhe em detalhe, tal como estabelecido por ele mesmo em manuscrito, e tecidas no conto, assim como ele colocou estão algumas citações de obras recentes sobre exploração do Ártico, mostrando quão cuidadosamente o Norseman idade em comparação com as suas próprias experiências de outros viajantes para o norte congelado. Thus wrote the disciple of Odin and Thor: Assim escreveu o discípulo de Odin e Thor: