[Flávio Bittencourt]

Baby Pignatari, um playboy verdadeiro do Brasil

Luís Nassif escreve sobre o playboy empreendedor.



















(COLUNA "Recontando estórias do domínio público")






21.5.2011 - Parece que eles vieram de um outro planeta - Eles são os VERDADEIROS playboys. (Baby Pignatari foi um deles)  F. A. L. Bittencourt ([email protected])





Baby Pignatari: O playboy empreendedor


Luís Nassif
Folha de São Paulo. Brasil, outubro de 2004.



No universo dos biografáveis brasileiros, dificilmente se encontrará personagem mais instigante que Baby Pignatari. Hoje em dia, pouco se fala nele. Nos anos 50 e 60 era personagem mundial, um playboy que cortejava todas as atrizes de Hollywood, um empreendedor fantástico, uma lenda em vida, um mistério depois de morto.

Lá pelos idos de 1960, o romancista Harold Robbins escreveu uma semificção sobre a vida do bilionário norte-americano Howard Hughes. Pois Baby era o nosso Hughes. Era Pignatari e era Matarazzo, filho de uma prima do conde Francisco Matarazzo. Empreendedor nato, tinha fábricas de purpurina, minas de cobre no sul do país e uma fábrica de aviões de aeroclube, os Paulistinhas, ainda hoje bastante conhecidos. Quando Assis Chateaubriand lançou a campanha nacional para a criação de aeroclubes, impulsionou extraordinariamente a produção dos Paulistinhas. Em troca, Baby o presenteou com um Rolls Royce.

Nasceu em 1916, morreu em 1977. Pelo tanto que fez, parecia ter vivido muito mais que seus 60 anos. Em fins dos anos 40 construiu uma mansão, onde hoje em dia é o parque Burle Marx, adquirido pela Bunge & Born. Era uma chácara em plena São Paulo, de 138 mil metros quadrados, com os jardins desenhados por Burle Marx, a casa projetada por Oscar Niemeyer.

Quando eu era moleque, nos anos 60, Baby já era uma lenda viva. Namorara as mais belas atrizes do cinema norte-americana de Zsa Zsa Gabor e Linda Christian. No mundo, fazia parte do primeiro time dos playboys internacionais, ao lado de Porfírio Rubirosa, Ali Khan, Aristóteles Onassis e Hughes. No Brasil, foi um dos membros mais ilustres do "Clube dos Cafajestes", que juntava a fina flor dos conquistadores brasileiros nos anos 50, gente como Jorginho Guinle, Mariozinho de Oliveira, Sérgio Porto, Heleno de Freitas. Além da lábia e do dinheiro, era um deus peninsular, um galã à altura de Marcelo Mastroiani e um esportista nato, que chegou a disputar as corridas de Le Mans e Silverstone com uma BMW 2800 CS. Seu avião particular era um Electra, o mesmo avião que operava a ponte Rio-São Paulo.

Era inacreditável que, namorando tantas, aprontando tantas e bebendo todas, ainda tivesse tempo para exercitar um empreendedorismo quase inédito para o país daqueles anos.

Depois de namorar todas as atrizes de Hollywood, nos anos 60 apaixonou-se pela princesa Ira de Furstenberg, 24 anos mais nova que ele. Seqüestrou a princesa de seu marido e a trouxe para o país, para glória geral dos machões brasileiros. Não era uma princesa qualquer. Ira era descendente do bispo de Strassburgo, que provocou uma guerra entre a França e os principados alemães. Era relações-públicas do figurinista Valentino e sua mãe era uma autêntica Agnelli, da Fiat.

A princesa havia se casado com 15 anos e as bodas duraram 16 dias. Cinco anos depois, no esplendor dos 20 anos, largou tudo e fugiu com Baby. Casaram-se em 1961, separaram-se em 1964, mas a paixão persistiu por muitos e muitos anos, gerando um número infindável de reportagens e seqüestros apaixonados.

No final da vida, Baby cismou em explorar uma mina de cobre na Bahia, a Caraíba Metais. Durante alguns anos, já no final do empreendimento, seu principal executivo foi Justo Pinheiro da Fonseca, pai dos Gianetti da Fonseca. Enterrou-se ali, nas enormes dificuldades de exploração da mina.

Casou-se novamente, faleceu pouco depois. E a aventura prosseguiu depois de morto. Tinha um filho dependente de drogas. Advogados espertos conseguiram desinterditar o rapaz. Ganhou um preceptor e, em pouco tempo, a fortuna de Baby virou pó. Do dinheiro que a Bunge pagou pela Panamby, o que chegou aos bolsos dos herdeiros não dava para comprar um Opala.

Na seqüência, houve uma série de mortes de herdeiros, o filho, a viúva, pessoas do meio. Provavelmente, apenas coincidência. Mas sua biografia está à espera de um Harold Robbins brasileiro, com disposição para desvendar seus mistérios."











Baby Pignatari
Photo of Baby Pignatari

  (Francisco R. Pignatari)
February 16 is born in Naples, Italy. His father is a doctor; his mother is Countess of Matarazzo, a member of Brazil's top industrial family.
? goes to Brazil with his family when only few months old. An English governess calls him "Baby," which remains his nickname throughout his life.
? his father enters the metal business in São Paolo and "Baby" starts working in his father's mill at age 17
? inherits the business at age 20 when his father dies
? stands 6’-3"
? marries Marina Parodi Delfino
February 47 is the 29-year-old president of Laminação Nacional, which in addition to the parent plant owns subsidiaries that produce everything from slippers to light airplanes
May 47 sends a 155-piece set of dinner service to crooner Andy Russell. It arrives by plane with two guards and is said to have been insured for over $20,000. The pieces are of silver, dipped in 24-carat gold. On his recent trip to Hollywood, "Baby" dubbed Russell "the most popular Yankee singer in South America." Leaving, he told Andy: "You'll be getting a present from me."
  is seen with Swedish beauty Inga Lindgren at Cavanaugh's
? divorces Delfino
March 50 sends actress Dolores De Rio planeloads of posies
June 51 is the new romancer of starlet Selene Walters
? marries heiress Nelita Alves de Lima in Switzerland
57 divorces his second wife, Alves de Lima
c. November 57 spots 33-year-old actress Linda Christian, the ex of actor Tyrone Power, at a Rome restaurant; he is in Rome to celebrate the divorce from his second wife. A few days after he meets Linda, the two are on an around-the-world trip with stopovers in Hong Kong, Bangkok, Cairo, Tokyo, Honolulu, Panama City, and Mexico City.
31 January 58 poses with Linda for one picture after they arrive in Los Angeles on their round-the-word "togetherness" tour, and then he breaks away. Linda explains that he is very camera-shy.
14 February 58 Linda informs reporters that she and Pignatari are planning an April wedding. He presents her with a “friendship ring.”
  the press claims that Linda Christian ought to be warned that he's a fickle friend. One afternoon he summoned his second wife from the powder room and said: "I want to speak to you. I am tired of you and I am now going to the office. When I come back at 7 o'clock you will have left and taken all your things. Be sure you aren't here." She wasn't.
Early March 58 Linda hears that "Baby" has a secret gal stashed in Rio. She plans to force a showdown and maybe call off the marriage.
March 58 his romance with Linda Christian fizzles out in Brazil
22 March 58 pickets Linda Christian's Rio de Janeiro hotel with fireworks and blunt signs saying "Linda Go Home."
March 58 busts up with Linda Christian, who joins her old standby, George DeWitt, in Cuba. Linda didn't get any fabulous jewelry from him as had been reported; he didn't even see her the last time she visited Rio.
2 April 58 Linda Christian returns from Rio de Janeiro sporting an olive-sized diamond ring, but indicates that her international romance with "Baby" is finished
Early April 58 is off to Germany to woo Soraya, ex-Queen of Iran. They met in Rome, Italy, and he renews their acquaintance by sending his usual three dozen roses.
April 58 is met at the Los Angeles airport by starlet Vikki Dougan
  in Brazil, he gives a big rush to MGM contract beauty Tracey Morgan, who's there to ballyhoo Les Girls. He sends her orchids encrusted with pearls.
c. April 58 enjoys cheek-to-cheeking at El Morocco with model Melissa Weston while making the local scene
April 58 he and Jorginho Guinle, fellow Brazilian playboy who is headed for Hollywood and Zsa Zsa Gabor, plan to keep in touch by phone with their favorite New York companions, blonde sisters Helen and Ann Merrill.
29 April 58 is seen with Linda at New York's El Morocco. "Baby" says he would have liked to have staged a parade of "Welcome Home" sign carriers. He and Linda were chronicled as having had a serious rift in Rio de Janeiro. They were brought together by Linda's former beau, George DeWitt. In the meantime George dates "Baby's" girl, Melissa Weston.
  among the hundreds of girls bedded by "Baby," Linda’s voted “the best lay of all time.”
May 58 Linda claims: "He was to marry Zsa Zsa Gabor, and I was about to punish him by letting him." Zsa Zsa answers: "Pignatari is a dear friend of mine - he called me three times yesterday - but there never was anything romantic between us. Why, I arranged for him to meet Joanna Moore when he was out here."
  heads for Cannes, France
  not many Brazilians believe his scheduled marriage to Bahia's beauty queen will ever come off. The happy couple hasn't received many wedding presents.
June 58 his new interest in Rome is Anita Ekberg's one-time stand-in, Karen von Unge. On the street there, they run into his ex, Linda Christian. The columnist notes that "suddenly a dark cloud covered the sun and icicles began to form on nearby buildings."
September 58 Zsa Zsa Gabor will give a gay party for him at Luchow's when he returns from Europe
  Richard Gully, Jack Warner's confidant and "Baby's" social secretary, confirms: "One of Baby's best approaches is to send a surprising gift to an attractive woman. If, for example, someone is selling flowers in a restaurant, Baby may buy the whole tray and tell the waiter ‘Send these flowers over to that lady with my compliments as a tribute to her beauty.’ Or he may send out for a large bottle of perfume. He is never fresh. And Baby never puts anything in writing. He's the only person I know who gives a girl a diamond bracelet without a card. And he only gets about four hours' sleep a night."
October 58 is seen at El Morocco with top Balmain model Barbara Cailleux
November 58 his long-distance calls are to Mary Vegh, a long-stemmed show beauty at the Bal Tabarin
? becomes inseparable with British starlet Jackie Lane. They relax together on a beach near Rome, Italy.
January 59 he and stunning TV actress Lucinda Sherill do their smooching out loud in a Left Bank spot
February 59 is signed as technical director for the upcoming The Billionaire. He will have a small part in the movie playing a billionaire, says producer Jerry Wald.
  his romance with Barbara Cailleux is finished. He is in São Paulo, and she returned to France.
March 59 his niece, Arletta Pignatari, is taken by West Side Story's Jaime Sanchez to the Stage Delly for Lox-and-Bagels
May 59 names an ulcer for a girl he didn't marry
October 59 is back on the local scene. His girl at El Morocco is actress Susan Cabot.
  is seen at the Colony with Japanese actress Miiko Taka
  attends a party thrown by the Horace Schmidlapps at the Columns celebrating the first anniversary of their daughter Trish's engagement to hotel heir Nicky Hilton. He leaves early to go winging with the daughter of director Mervyn LeRoy.
November 59 declares "When I stop being interested in beautiful women, I'll be dead."
December 59 actress Tina Louise helps him spend his time and money in Rome
  is off to famous ski resort Cortina d' Ampezzo, Italy, for the Christmas holidays. He looks for Soraya, but finds Princess Ira Von Fuerstenberg. She's 19, the daughter of Prince Tassilo Fuerstenberg and Clara Agnelli and married to 43-year-old Spanish-born Prince Alfonso von und zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg.
March 60 his new baby is actress Kathy Bonn
  is off to Rio with actress Kim Novak, Jorginho Guinle, and Joan Cohn, the widow of Columbia's Harry Cohn
60 travels with Ira to Florence, Italy. When her husband, Hohenlohe, learns about Ira’s infidelity, a custody battle starts.
8 August 60 before dawn, 22 Mexican policemen break into his Mexico City hotel suite, seeking him on adultery charges filed by Hohenlohe. Hohenlohe, is suing his wife, Ira, for a divorce and custody of their two sons, Cristobal, 4, and Alfonso, 16 months. "Baby" is found in trousers and shirt, but the Princess doesn't appear. He and the six-man guard that he hired to protect Ira and her sons put up a fight. "Baby" is 45; she's 20.
9 August 60 is released from jail for lack of proof of adultery with Ira. Drawn and red-eyed after 36 hours behind bars, he says of Ira's estranged husband: "I do not even wish to mention that guy's name; it simply makes me sick. I may not have a title, but at least I have honor." "Baby" describes himself as an old friend of the princess' family - she is in fact an old friend of his mother's - and says he is in Mexico to watch out for her financial interests. The princess claims the prince is after the fortune their sons may inherit from her family, which has a substantial interest in Italy's vast Fiat motor industry.
1 October 60 he and Ira are free on bail pending trial on charges of adultery brought by her husband in Mexico City. Both post a $2,400 bond to escape going to jail until the case comes to court and deny the adultery charges. "Baby" charges Hohenlohe took snapshots of Ira almost in the nude and sold them to European publications.
October 60 Hohenlohe drops the adultery charges in return for custody of the two boys
12 January 61 marries Ira in Reno, Nevada, in a ceremony performed by a justice of the peace in the home of Reno attorney Richard Blakey. They honeymoon at an undisclosed location, later to be revealed to be Miami.
February 61 he and his bride are in the happy dancing mob at the Carnival of Rio de Janeiro
May 61 gets Hollywood attorney Greg Bautzer to help him line up "a bunch of new lawyers" to fight for his wife Ira's children in Spain
Early 62 the press claims that comparing Ira to Linda Christian is as "insipid as weak tea after a choice Napoleon Brandy," their marriage can’t last
15 January 64 divorces Ira in Las Vegas, Nevada, on grounds of mental cruelty. He's 46; she's 22. No property settlement is announced. "Baby" makes a payment of $25,000 and will pay $2,000 a month in alimony until 1966.
16 January 64 leads a blaring 25-piece orchestra playing "Anchors Aweigh" through the Riviera, Las Vegas, casino and up to the ninth floor to celebrate his divorce and to pay tribute to the departure of casino legend Shecky Greene
67 is sued by Ira for $2,000 a month in alimony and to restore his payments
71 announces he will leave a large part of his holdings to the government and to his employees. An outspoken nationalist, "Baby" says it would be a crime against the country to desert or let the industries fall into the hands of foreign businessmen. Pignatari Industries has extensive holdings in metals and ore mining, including copper and zinc, throughout Brazil.
26 February 71 marries Maria Regina Fernandes in a civil ceremony in Las Vegas, Nevada
March 75 spends a week in Miami to avoid the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro. He says it has lost all of its charm nowadays due to the influx of third-rate tourists. "Last time I was in Rio during Carnival Week, it had slowed down some because of television and the banning of sprayed ether. It still beats Barstow on a Saturday night."
5 December 75 Ira's suit is rejected by the Brazilian Supreme Court in Brasilia. "Baby's" lawyers argue that the princess "is a very rich person," noting that the family of her mother, Clara Agnelli, controls an Italian industrial complex that includes the Fiat auto company.
c. 76 undergoes surgery for three hours and nearly dies
February 77 calls his old friend Richard Gully to announce that he is definitely getting a divorce from his fourth wife. He plans to return to Beverly Hills.
7 October 77 divorces Fernandes in Las Vegas
27 October 77 dies at age 61 in a São Paulo, Brazil, hospital
Paula Silva, Uncensored, Confidential, The Palladium-Times, Oakland Tribune, Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune, The Era, Pottstown Mercury, Syracuse Herald-Journal, Nevada State Journal, Mansfield News-Journal, Indiana Evening Gazette, The Lima News, The Holland Evening Sentinel, The Odessa American, The Vidette-Messenger, Lancaster Eagle-Gazette, The Daily Intelligencer, The Coshocton Tribune, The Herald-Press, The Times Recorder, The News, Stevens Point Daily Journal, The New York Times, "The Man Hollywood Trusted" by Amy Fine Collins in Vanity Fair, www.Ancestry.com
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"The Life and Times of Baby

November 2nd, 2010 § Leave a Comment

Below, a Time magazine article from 1950

“Of all the roughriding industrialists whose energy and daring have made Sāo Paulo one of the world’s fastest-growing cities, by far the most untrammeled is Francisco (“Baby”) Pignatari. At 33, Baby has already built an industrial empire worth some $25 million. In his spare time he has enjoyed life with a free-spending gusto that has won him the undisputed title of Brazil’s champion playboy.

Almost nightly, when Baby is in Sāo Paulo, his Cadillac pulls up outside a plush nightclub known as the Oasis. The Oasis’ bartender keeps a special highball glass ready with “Baby” etched on the side. There, not long ago, Baby used a whisky bottle to etch some less formal inscriptions on an uncooperative trombonist’s brow.

Whistle at the Door. After one Oasis evening, Baby and a brunette playgirl, roaring down a Sāo Paulo road at 70 miles an hour, veered away from an-unmarked excavation, slowed down with brakes screeching, then smacked into a telephone pole. Peering past the sedan’s crumpled nose, the girl complained: “The telephone pole is still standing.” Without a word Baby backed up, stepped on the gas and demolished both pole and Cadillac.

One night last week, while socialites gathered around the illicit green gaming tables of the recently reopened Quitan-dinha Hotel at Petropolis, Baby stepped to the door, blew a shrill blast on a police whistle. As the guests scampered out, Baby tipped his straw hat to them. Another time, when he visited New York, he booked a suite of eight rooms in a Park Avenue hotel, rang up various girl friends and gave a continuous house party.

But neither his pals, parties nor weekends—which have sometimes been spent overturning speedboats at Santos or buzzing a Beechcraft over apartment houses—seem to interfere with Baby’s business affairs.

His Italian-born father started him at 19 in the family metals plant in Sāo Paulo. Not long afterwards, the father died. Taking over the business, Baby resolved to build an industrial empire. He drove himself hard from 7:30 a.m. till the Oasis opened at night. He showed an extraordinary mechanical bent. He wore old clothes, worked in the shops, ate with the men. His war-booming Laminaçāo.ao Nacional de Matais grew into the largest non-ferrous rolling mill in South America, employing 20 times as many men and doing 40 times as much business as in his father’s day. Soon Baby was making the army’s machine guns, buying copper and bauxite mines, opening retail stores to sell the pots & pans his factories made. When friends brought him their planes to repair, he began building light aircraft.

Experts in the Shop. By 1948, Baby was badly overexpanded. He hired U.S. experts from Westinghouse International to modernize his setup. They found that Baby had never had his books audited; he had simply poured his surplus into likely new enterprises, taking out his expenses as needed. The experts worked hard (and ran up some sizable expense accounts themselves) trying to reform the Pignatari operations. After a year, Baby kicked them out and took over again himself.

Last week, with a few new grey flecks in his crewcut hair, Baby was in Rio for a relaxing round of cabaret crawls and pre-carnival binges. Lounging in his suite at the Copacabana Palace, he boasted that business was better than ever now that the experts were gone. Actually, by slicing off a couple of his unprofitable enterprises, the U.S. advisers had done him a real service. His assets, he figured, were now higher than they had ever been. Said Baby: “1949 was a good year for me. Gross sales won’t be far from $25 million when the figures are added up.” Before he left Rio Baby hoped that $1,000,000 worth of new U.S. equipment would reach his Sāo Paulo brassworks, and that $2,000,000 would come through from Aluminium Ltd., of Canada. With the money he plans to open an aluminum smelter in Minas Gerais. – Time


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