"SAIBAMOS O QUE SIGNIFICA ponteiro OU cantadeira; bordão, ronco ou roncão; ombreira; entremeia; copa; soprete ou assoprador; buxa ou soquete; fole, odre ou bolsa; fole mecânco; palheta e palhão; franjas e cordão; borlas; e vestimenta ou capa (do intrumento e não do instrumentista: envolve a bolsa, de forma ornamental)"
legenda original da imagem: "Kostadin Atanasov & Dafo Trendafilov - kaba gaida":
"(...) Os habitantes de Gabrovo [CIDADE DA BULGÁRIA ONDE O PAI DA DRA. ROUSSEFF NASCEU], que enviaram uma mensagem de apoio para a favorita nas eleições brasileiras, cheia de canto e danças folclóricas, lhe aguardam. (...)".
sendo que o trecho acima grifado passou a aparecer em destaque apenas nesta Coluna)
"(...) [11] The site contains data about Bulgarian folklore instruments with sound samples in MP3 files. Some books concerning Bulgarian folklore music are announced. For example Anthology of Bulgarian folk musicians contains scores of some songs. Examples: [See http://www.math.bas.bg/~nkirov/2003/digit/668.jpg], Izlel e Delyo haidoutin [See Fig.1.]".[Veja também, por favor, o link indicado no final da presente matéria.]
"Toshka Kovatcheva, 72 anos [PRIMA BÚLGARA DE DILMA ROUSSEFF], mostra jornal com reportagem sobre Dilma. Foto: AFP"
[O SENADOR ALOÍZIO] Mercadante [DO PARTIDO DOS TRABALHADORES (partido político brasileiro ao qual são filiados o atual presidente do Brasil e a presidente eleita em 1.11.2010), o segundo cavalheiro, na segunda fila, de terno e gravata, da direita para a esquerda, com balões de soprar ao fundo] durante a abertura do Sustentar 2010, em Campinas-SP Foto: Rose Mary de Souza/Especial para Terra
"Quando o professor Aloízio Mercadante Oliva veio para [LECIONAR N'] a PUC [DE SÃO PAULO-SP], em 1978, a universidade e o movimento social no País viviam um período de intensa mobilização. As greves operárias arrombavam as portas da ditadura. O professor Mercadante já prestava assessoria ao movimento sindical e sua tese de mestrado era justamente sobre o sindicalismo no ABC, antes da primeira greve. 'Logo que entrei na universidade, me associei à APROPUC e comecei a participar do movimento docente', conta ele. Em seu depoimento, o professor destaca o papel que desempenhou a PUC e a APROPUC na condução da democratização da universidade, na luta sindical e no debate acadêmico dentro e fora da PUC. (...)".
Na falta de Lula, foi Dilma quem conduziu o encontro que coroou Mercadante e Marta [a psicóloga Drª MartaSuplicy, que foi eleita senadora de República, recentemente] pré-candidatos do PT[PARTIDO DOS TRABALHADORES]
10.11.2010 - Dilma Rousseff na primeira página só do Le Monde foi em fevereiro último - Imagine-se depois de sua vitória, em 1º de novembro de 2010! F. A. L. Bittencourt ([email protected])
FEIRA HOJE (FEV. / 2010)
"Candidatura de Dilma Rousseff é manchete de primeira página no Le Monde
Publicado em 23/02/2010
“No Brasil, Lula prepara a sucessão à presidência”, escreve Le Monde, na página 5, em artigo dedicado à oficialização da candidatura de Dilma Rousseff à presidência ad república pelo PT. Le Monde prevê que o caminho que poderá levar Dilma ao Palácio do Planalto, no lugar do “carismático Lula da Silva”, será difícil. O artigo ressalta pontos positivos e negativos no perfil da candidata.
O jornal francês aponta como qualidades de Dilma a inteligência, a capacidade de trabalho e de gestão e os 40 anos de militância política da candidata. No entanto, “ex-guerrilheira e prisioneira política, a atual ministra da Casa Civil não disputou nenhuma eleição é desconhecida no Nordeste e tem fama de ser uma mulher tenaz, exigente e autoritária”. Felizmente para ela, escreve Le Monde, Dilma Rousseff terá como adversário José Serra, que apesar de liderar as pesquisas, também não tem nenhum carisma.
O jornal francês lembra que, pela primeira vez em 30 anos, o PT não indicou Lula como seu candidato à presidência da República. “O Brasil vai ter que se acostumar com a ideia de não ter Lula como presidente.” O problema é saber se o PT vai continuar dirigindo o país.
Para Le Monde, Dilma terá uma campanha mais favorável. Ela tem o apoio incondicional do popular Lula e conta com um contexto econômico dinâmico. Além disso, a candidata petista reforçou a necessidade de alianças com uma dezena de partidos para garantir a maioria no Congresso e já foi liberada por Lula para defender o último programa votado pelo congresso do PT, considerado mais radical, conclui Le Monde. Jornal Feira Hoje, 22.01.2010,Postado por Jana Lua
como é a kaba (Kaba Gaida), GAITA DE FOLE DA BULGÁRIA:
The kaba gaida is a Bulgarian musical bagpipe instrument similar to the gaida. It is larger and lower pitched than the typical gaida. It is native to the Rhodope Mountains of Bulgaria.
The most common drone tone on a kaba gaida is G.
The Bulgarian bagpipe or GAIDA which some westerners misquote as Macedonian is a typical folklore instrument. It belongs to the group of wind instruments. It first appeared in the remote past somewhere in Southeast Asia, but it is now part of the folklore music in many countries in Europe, Asia and Africa. In some like France, Germany, Austria and others it has been improved, but in others like Bulgaria, Turkey and Albania it has retained its primitive shape. In Bulgaria the gaida is bound up with people’s everyday life. As an instrument with a very powerful sound it is often played at weddings, at grape-harvest time, holidays like Trifon Zarezan in February when the vines are clipped, at Nestinari (barefoot walking on live coals) or Koukeri (masking parades) games and gatherings. The gaida is a respected instrument in many parts of the country but it is most treasured in the Rhodopi Mountains.
The Bulgarian gaida has two sound pipes – a chanter and a drone. There are of course bagpipes with more than two sound pipes, but they are not representative for Bulgaria. There are two types of bagpipes here – the low, mountain gaida, also called KABA, and the high weddings gaida which is called DJOURA.The Kaba gaida is the most popular type of Bulgarian bagpipes. It is distinguished for its large bag, longer chanter and drone. The sound is unique, deep and beautiful; it takes you away to the mild green hills of its home, the Rhodopi Mountain.
There are data about a third type DVOIANKA (double chanter) but it can rarely be heard.
Construction: All share a common form: white kidskin bag, blowpipe, drone and chanter. The wooden parts are as follows: 1. "duhalo" (blowpipe) – a short (12 cm) wooden pipe through which the player blows in order to fill the bag with air. The bottom part of the duhalo has a skin flapjack which prevents the air from escaping out of the bag; 2. "gaidunitsa" – a chanter, made of hard wood, 25-30 cm long. The gaidunitza has on its face side seven finger holes of different width and on its back side a single hole for the thumb. The tone row is obtained from the finger holes. The "gaidunitsa" makes this instrument unique. It has the capability of a full chromatic scale. 3. "ruchilo" (drone) – made out of plum tree, 58cm. The drone produces only one tone, which sounds incessantly and is in unison with the main tone of the melody. 4. “Glavini” (Stocks)
The bagpipe tone is achieved through the help of "piskuni" (reeds) – thin pipes, with a tongue cut in lengthwise. The long one is made of special type of reed, it is 8, 5 cm long, and placed at the upper end of the drone. The smaller one (5 cm long), made of cow's horn, is for the gaidunitsa. Its most unusual detail is the "flea hole", a small metal ring at the top of the pipe that calls the tune. In its low register the bagpipe sounds softly with a subdued tone. In its high register the bagpipe tone becomes harsh, sharp and shrill. Generally, the bagpipe sounds full toned and mellow.
- The large KABA gaida with a low register is typical for the Rhodopi mountain area. It is usually pitched in the key of E (mi) or D (re). It is distinguished for its large bag, longer chanter and drone. The chanter is cylindrical or hexagonal with slight curve in its lower end. Griff apertures are 8 and differ in diameter and form. The drone consists of three parts. The most important acoustic role plays the third part - it forms the specific timbre of the sound. The reeds of the Kaba-gaida are quite big as well. The ring cap is made from cow-horn. When all griff apertures are closed, in accordance to the full length of the chanter, the produced tones may be C, Bb or A of the little octave. The drone is formed in tune with the tone that is two octaves lower than the quintal tone of the chanter. The sonority of the Kaba-gaida is mild and pleasant. Very often the piper-man sings and accompanies his song himself.
- And the small one called DJURA gaida with a high-pitched register. It is outspread in Thrace, Northern Bulgaria, and Dobrudja. Djura gaida is usually pitched in the key of G (sol). Djura in the key of D (re) also can be made. The high Djura-gaida is smaller than the Kaba. The chanter is in the form of cone with 7 griff apertures on the front side and one on the back side. The drone consists of three different-length parts. Due to the length of the joints, the drone is shortened or made longer till the right tune matching the chanter is achieved. The reed of the chanter is small as well. At all griff apertures closed, chanter produces G of the 1st octave. The basic key of the drone may be D or E. Djura-gaidas are characterized by its bright and sharp sonority, very suitable for playing on the outside. They are often accompanied with tupan (a big folk drum)".
sound samples copyright 1999 by Oliver Seeler & Sean Folsom
General Comments:
Bulgaria is one of the few places where the bagpipe never really went into steep decline, perhaps because the country as a whole remained a bit remote from the rapid changes of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The gaida in its more common orchestral variety has remained the national instrument there in the same way the Great Highland pipe has in Scotland. The Kaba Gaida, however, is a bit of a different beast, not just an enlarged and lower-pitched ordinary gaida. In particular, it is perhaps the only bagpipe with a melody pipe having a tapered bore that narrows, rather than widens, between its upper (reed) and lower (outlet) ends. Apparently, this was developed (or perhaps evolved is a better term) in order to keep the fingerholes of the low-pitched instrument close enough together to be played without undue stretching or keywork. The shape of course affects the sound, and is perhaps responsible for its somewhat haunting character. The "beak" at the oulet end of the chanter is perhaps a remnant of the instrument's hornpipe ancestry, as also seen on the Macedonian Gaida (pipe no. 3).
Musical Notes:
With its very low-pitched drone and unique chanter (see above), the Kaba Gaida produces a sweet haunting sound that is unmistakeable among the world's bagpipes and highly evocative of its ancient mountain home". (OLIVER SEELER)
The scales and key signatures given may be regarded as approximations; bagpipes may deviate from conventional standards in absolute and relative pitch.
Sean Folsom playing the Bulgarian Kaba Gaida.
As with its cousin the Macedonian Gaida (pipe no. 3), the Kaba Gaida's chanter stock is made from a cow horn.
The concentric circles are "goddess eyes" intended to ward off the "evil eye"; these are nearly identical to those on pipe no.1, from Bohemia - a long way from Bulgaria.
The chanter and drone reeds, typically seated deeply into their pipes.
Cortesia: Oliver Seeler, 2002 [DIREITOS AUTORAIS RESERVADOS]