'Prince William' surprises pub-goers with round to wet royal baby's head


'Prince William' surprises pub-goers with round to wet royal baby's head

A Prince William lookalike surprises drinkers in a pub near St Mary's Hospital after popping in to announce the birth of the royal baby, and buying a round to wet its head.



Arriving to a royal fanfare, a beaming 'Prince William' burst into the Fountains Abbey pub, situated opposite St Mary’s Hospital where the Duchess of Cambridge gave birth, announcing “Everyone, the Royal Baby has just been born”. He then treated pub patrons to a drink on the house in celebration.
The imaginative landlord at the Fountains Abbey surprised both the team and guests by organising the spoof scene after hearing the news that the royal baby had been born at the hospital opposite.
William spent up to an hour in the pub handing out the free drinks, signing autographs and posing for pictures. In homage to the royal arrival, the pub also set up an easel in the pub offering guests the chance to leave well-wishes for the real Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge.
Lee McDonagh, business development manager at the Taylor Walker pub group, said: “Our prime location opposite the hospital has meant we’ve been right at the centre of all the action, with all our guests and the world’s media eagerly awaiting the news of the royal birth.